The Fourteenth Goldfish

The Fourteenth Goldfish

Examples of student enthusiasm for blogging about the book

Photo from Mr. Buist Class posted on Instagram and Twitter

creative commons licensed ( BY-NC-ND ) flickr photo shared by buistbunch

Photo from Mrs. Huffman's class posted on Twitter

Mr. Balcom's Fifth Graders Started Blogging about the book; posted picture on Instagram and Twitter

Example of reaching out (The Fourteenth Goldfish)

Twitter hashtags #GRAGoldfish, #GRA14, and #comments4kids

Screen capture of blog posts from Scott Boylen's 7th grade literature class.

Note # of replies.

See an example from Chapter 8: Student in Mr. Boylen's class.

Responses from some fo the blogging partner schools:

Author Connections:

The author, Jennifer Holm, created a Google Document with resources: 14th Goldfish

This year, the author of The Fourteenth Goldfish, did a read aloud from her own book. See Jennifer Holm's blog post, "Global Read Aloud, Last Chapter of the Fourteenth Goldfish" to access the video recording.

Using Microblogging for Cross Class Discussion: TodaysMeet

Using VoiceThread in a Blog Post to Connect Classes

From the Class Blog site post called: "The Possible"

Author stopped in to add a voice comment:

Using Padlet: Cross-Class Discussion and Planning

Using Skype to Extend Discussions