Extra Pieces

Books for 2014

1) One for the Murphys

The author blogs with students: "Global Read Aloud: Hooray" Linda Mullay Hunt

Note # of responses to the author's blog post:

Sample student blog post: note # of responses

Author writes reply on student's blog:

About The teacher and her students:

2) The Fourteenth Goldfish

Examples of student enthusiasm for blogging about the book:

Quick example of reaching out (The Fourteenth Goldfish)

Reaching out with Twitter using hashtag #GRAGoldfish to seek replies to students' posts. The Fourteenth Goldfish was one of the books read this year.

One example of blog posts showing how many replies some students received to their posts about the book. These examples are drawn from Scott Boylen's 7th grade literature class.

See an example from Chapter 8:

Responses from some fo the blogging partner schools:

Author Connections:

Often the authors of books chosen for the GRA do Skypes or Google Hangouts with classes. This year, the author of The Fourteenth Goldfish, did a read aloud from her own book. See Jennifer Holm's blog post, "Global Read Aloud, Last Chapter of the Fourteenth Goldfish" to access the video recording.

See this list of ideas for implementing GRA

Ways We Have Implemented GRA