Director (Prof. Yoshimura)

Name : Masahiro Yoshimura

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Japanese

Birth: 1942, in Tokyo

Present Position Masahiro YOSHIMURA

1) Professor Emeritus: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

E­mail: (connectable regularly)

2) Distinguished Visiting Chair Professor in NCKU90 and Beyond Project and Former Director of Promotion Center for Global Materials Research, Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, #1 University Road, Tainan City,70101, Taiwan

Tel:886-6-2757575 ext 62013, E-mail:


Masahiro YOSHIMURA was graduated for B.S. in 1965, M.S. in 1967, and D. Sc. in Engineering in 1970 from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Then 1970, Research Assoc.,1978 Assoc. Prof.,1985 Full Prof. in Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology. During those periods, 1973-1975 Post Doc. in 3 CNRS Labs. (Odeillo, Orleans, and Paris) in France, and 1975-1977 in Mass. Inst. Tech., USA. He was the Director of the Center for Materials Design for 1996-2002. He retired at 2008, Professor Emeritus, from Tokyo Institute of Technology. After experienced several Visiting/Guest Profs. In Tohoku Univ., Japan, Univ. Limerick, Ireland, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Inst. Metal. Res., CAS, Shenyang, China, etc. he has been in National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan since Feb. 2010 as a Visiting Chair Prof. then now Distinguished Chair Prof. and Director of Promotion Center for Global Materials Research, NCKU, since July 2011.

He received Academic Award (1993) from The Ceramic Soc. Japan, 10th Fulrath Pacific Award(1987) and Fellow(1995) from The Amer. Ceram. Soc., International Award(2001) from European Ceramic Soc., IUMRS Somiya Award for International Collaborative Work, IUMRS(2002), Honorary Members in MRS –India (2003), Research Award, Ministry of Education, Culture & Science, Japan(2007), Lee Hsun Award, Institute of Metal Research, CAS, Shenyang, China(2008) and Honorable Permanent Resident Visa, Taiwan(2012), Honorary Fellow of European Ceramic Society(2017), Distinguished Life Member Award from the Amer. Ceram. Soc. (2017).etc.

He is nominated by Thomson-Reuter as ISI Highly-Cited Researcher(2001).

Now he has >730 peer-reviewed Papers, 84 Reviews,7Books (51 Book Chapters) & >30 Patents, and >22,500 International. Citations with h-index >75 in Scopus, in Google Scholars: >34,000 Citations with h-index= 88 World ranking #68 in Materials Science..

He has served as 23 Organizing Chairs, i.e IUMRS-ICA, Chiba,1997, IUMRS-ICAM, Yokohama,2003, and International Conference in Hydrothermal Reactions, Sendai,2006, 6th ISHA,2016, Tainan, Taiwan. Mater Sci 2017,Valencia,Spain,etc. joined as 64 International Advisory/Organizing Committees, 33 Plenary Lectures, i.e. MS&T, San Francisco(2000), ICMAT, Singapore (2003) ,Hydrothermal/Solvothermal Symposia, Kochi, Japan(2000) Mysore, India (2004),Sendai,Japan (2006), Nottingham, UK (2008), Beijing,China (2010), 3rd SCESCM,Bali(2016), Materials Science 2016,Dubai and 2017,Valencia,2018 Rome, WCSM,Osaka.,etc. and he gave >270 Invited/Keynote Lectures in International Meetings and >140 Lectures in Foreign Univ.

He is the Editor in Chief of Mater Sci Letters (Sci Fed), one of the Editors in Solid State Science(since 1988), J.Nanomaterials(since 2004), Nano Letters(2002-2005), etc. and Guest Editors in MRS Bull, Oct.1994 &Sept.2000, Euro. J.Solid State and Inorg. Chem. 1995, Solid State Ionics,152/154,2002, J.Mater.Sci.2006&2007,etc. One of Book Editors in Carbon-related Materials, Springer,2017.

He is Founding President(2006-2008), International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association (ISHA), President of the Advisory Board(2010-2014),. Chairman of the Nomination Committee,2002,2004 & 2006 in The World Academy of Ceramics (WAC), An Advisory Officer, IUMRS(Audit Elect 2007-2008, Former President of MRS-Japan).

He has cooperated with 24 visiting Professors(12 from abroad), 38 Postdoctoral Researchers, (27 from abroad),12 visiting Researchers from abroad, Supervised 56 Ph.D. ( 16 foreigners) Students and candidates,>70 Master Students, 30 Research Students during his professorship in Tokyo Institute of Technology. Now they are >30 professors including some ISI Highlycited Scholars, In NCKU many cooperation has been going mostly based upon MOU with global academicians. i.e. Profs. Yury Gogotsi(Drexel Univ., USA), Takayoshi Sasaki(NIMS, Japan), Jin-Ho Choy(Ewha Woman's Univ., Korea), K. Byrappa(Mysore Univ., India), Shu-Hong Yu(Univ. Sci. Tech. China, China), C.N.R. Rao(India) with 18 Pos-docs, and 11 professors in NCKU With their graduate students, then published >35 papers in high IP(>5) Journals plus additional 10 papers. Presently he is the Editor-in-chief of Handbook of Advanced Ceramics, new edition, Elsevier, and Co-author of Handbook of Hydrothermal Technology,3rd edition, Elsevier.

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