News - July 12, 2013

In order to encourage and appreciate the further developments of graduate students, Prof. Yoshimura would confer 3 Graduate Student Award in Materials Science & Engineering(and Related Areas), NCKU.

a) Gold Award : 40,000 TWD 1 person

b) Silver Award : 20,000 TWD 2 persons(max)

c) Bronze Award : 10,000 TWD 2persons(max)

All the award winners may have “Special Education for Polishing Presentation Skill”, in August-September and they may apply to Student Award in MRS-Fall Meeting, Boston, Dec.1-Dec.6, 2013.

If someone will be nominated in the Final list, he or she will receive Additional fee (up to 100,000 TWD) for Travel Support.

3 candidates have an oral examination today. We have concluded:

Gold Award: Wan-Hsien Lin, Dr

Silver Award: Ping-Chun Tsai, Dr

Bronze Award: Ching-Hsuan Chang, Master (Video Exam.)

Congratulate all winners on their awarded!!!