Trail Maintenance

Nature Coast Back Country Horsemen Maintain the

Croom Equestrian Trails

Croom Trails are Monitored by Volunteers

Our trail volunteers, called Recons, are assigned a designated equestrian trail to monitor. Each month or after severe weather the Recons check their trail to make sure:

  • the trail signs are all up

  • the trails are clear of trash

  • that anything hindering the riding of that trail is removed

The Recons report the status of their trails to

Shelly Solvedt at 814-440-5639 or

Please Thank Our Recons

Trail Name Email

Anyone can help when they are riding. You can clip back annoying limbs, pick up any trash, or pull the hunter's ribbons (after hunting season). If you see anything that needs attention or you would like to volunteer as a Recon, contact Shelly Solvedt at 814-440-5639 or

Your volunteer hours are important!!

If you do any maintenance on a trail, please report your time as a volunteer. You report not only your time but your horse’s time, your travel time, and vehicle miles traveled.