Anarchy VS Liberty

Anarchism ≠ Libertarianism.

Yet, there continues to exist a long running deceptive debate that would have us believe otherwise. However, the two ideologies are incompatible with one another.

Still, the masses have often been made to erroneously believe that libertarians are just anarchists by another name. This comes as no surprise seeing that anarchists often claim to be “libertarian”. This has, of course, served to greatly impede the growth of the greater liberty movement while tyranny continues to grow resultant of the masses embracing their indoctrination into the Philosophy of Collectivism.

Exemplifying distinguishing between logic and folly in this area, during the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns Ron Paul addressed various problems of society and negative effects of corrupted government by offering solutions which apply fundamental principles of liberty founded upon Natural Rights as derived from Natural Law. This logical, factual, and practical approach resulted in millions of Americans growing in the understanding of liberty for the very first time in recent decades.

In order to unite and foster growth of a liberty movement, it is paramount to make clear the distinction between anarchism and libertarianism to both the masses, as well as those attracted to the light of liberty.

The ideology of anarchy is rooted in a concept which mandates the path to liberty begins with the dismantling of ALL government, and further insists that a free society can only exist when there is NO government whatsoever.

In some cases anarchists clamor for privatizing government, being under some delusion doing so would somehow eliminate the possibility of corruption. Yet, the anarchist "Government Is Force" mantra doesn't really allow for this either.

In any case, when pressed about how such a stateless society would handle punitive measures for those committing natural rights violations that occur in every society, the answer by anarchists themselves always involves forming some kind of [government] to moderate and/or judge such matters.

In doing so, anarchists inadvertently admit the necessity for the role of some form of [government] in addressing sociological natural rights violations, while simultaneously basing their entire ideology in a precept which mandates otherwise. This contradiction seems to most often go unnoticed by those promoting anarchy, thus miss the fact that their pro-anarchy arguments actually refute themselves.

Another conundrum to consider in all of this is how it could even be possible for any governing body to judge a matter justly, while having no standard or set of civil laws. The answer is that it is not possible. Further, having a set of civil laws would also, of course, require codification by some form of legislative body, which is also another branch of government. This contradiction also seems to most often go unnoticed by those promoting anarchy.

The truth of the matter is that regardless what creative term might be used for it, [government] of some form, comprised of both a judiciary and a legislature, is a requirement for dealing with societal natural rights violations, and anarchists inadvertently admit this routinely. As such, every society and culture throughout all of history has implemented [government] and always will.

One final failed argument for anarchism is the attempt at reasoning that throughout history society's governments most often enslave its own people in one way or another. While this is true, it doesn't prove in any way that government in and of itself is at enmity with liberty.

Rather, it merely exemplifies that when a society's Civil Law is not built upon the foundations of Natural Law, its government will become corrupted to the detriment of the people’s wellbeing, and as a result peace, prosperity, and liberty will be minimized.

History shows that the degree to which societies among a variety of cultures and ethnicities have built their Civl Law upon Natural Rights principles as derived from Natural Law, is directly proportional to the degree to which it has been successful and effective in advancing peace, prosperity, and liberty among its people in general.

These are also the basic tenets of liberty upon which America was originally founded, although imperfectly implemented and adhered to. Thus, America has also become yet another example of how government can easily become corrupted as Civil Law is gradually allowed to violate Natural Law.

All this proves with certainty that the ideology of anarchy is not at all what it most often claims to be (libertarian), nor is it capable of providing a solution for successfully defeating tyranny. Further, its core precepts are contradictory and therefore don’t even work — for this reason anarchy has never been successfully implemented in any society throughout history in hopes of advancing peace, prosperity, and liberty.

As individuals persuaded by the folly of anarchism examine these factors more closely, they might likewise conclude accordingly, and alternatively consider libertarianism — the ideology which embraces and employs the principles of Natural Rights as derived from Natural Law.

Also noteworthy, as the so called “progressives” champion a form of collectivism by a different name than had been used prior (i.e.: “socialism”), anarchists likewise often identify themselves as something other than what they are, like “voluntarists” (or some variant). When a political or philosophical movement is revealed to be at enmity with peace, prosperity, and liberty, its name is sometimes repackaged by its advocates in order to deceptively increase appeal.

While both anarchists and libertarians largely agree upon concepts of voluntary association in a free market society, libertarians understand that the only sociopolitical-economic system which maximizes peace, prosperity, and liberty is one whose government is granted certain limited powers and jurisdictions by its people, and whose primary if not sole function is to uphold and protect the unalienable Natural Rights of the Individual through the Rule of Law.

“United We Stand, Divided We Fall” is a truism exemplified not only as a slogan of American culture, but also in practice throughout history. As America continues to become divided and polarized to such a wide degree among its people over anti-libertarian and/or false ideologies (i.e.: collectivism and/or anarchism), it remains on a clear path toward complete and utter destruction unless its present course is altered.

However, as more individuals come to understand libertarianism for what it IS rather than what it’s NOT, the more expediently We the People can grow in mass support of such principles which serve to unite US. Such unity will make it possible for us to positively shift our present course through redirecting the political landscape of America.

To accomplish this goal it is paramount to distance the true ideology of libertarianism which serves to unite people, from the false ideology of anarchism which serves to divide people. We must distance ourselves from those advocating such erroneous precepts which anarchism promotes, along with its slogans such as, “Government is Aggression” and “Voting is Violence”, which are not only false but also misleading to both fellow libertarians and society at large.

So when we come into contact with individuals allured by the false promises of anarchy, suggest they read this article while considering rational logic and reason, and then just say NO to anarchy.