
The principles of Natural Rights as derived from Natural Law have been contemplated by humankind throughout history.  While such concepts have been considered to be self-evident truths by many, it seems that in recent times these truisms have been largely obfuscated by deceitful philosophies and ideologies.

Toward the goal of maximizing peace, prosperity, and liberty, the NRC believes it paramount to re-educate the People in the principles of Natural Rights, so that what was forgotten, ignored, or usurped might again become self-evident to the masses.  The foundations of this education include recognizing the difference between a Natural Right and a Civil Right, codifying the qualifications for a Natural Right, and enumerating some fundamental examples of Natural Rights and their implementation into society.

Natural VS Civil

A Natural Right is one derived from Natural Lawlaws of nature.

A Civil Right is one derived from Civil Lawlaws of humankind.

The Civil Law of a free society will never violate Natural Law.  While political strategies in dealing with societal problems may vary over time, fundamental Natural Rights principles never change.

Natural Rights are only bestowed upon the individual by one’s Creator (as one defines “Creator”: nature itself, or nature’s God).  Therefore, NO collective — including a County, State, or Nation — has Natural Rights, for collectives are only created by, and cannot even exist without, individuals.

Qualifications of an Individual Natural Right

1. A natural right must exist in a state of nature preceding any government or point of civil law;

2. A natural right must impose no obligation upon another individual or collective of individuals;

3. A natural right must not violate or greatly risk violating a natural right of another individual.

Fundamental Natural Rights

(And Their Civil Law Implementation)

Natural Right of Self-Ownership and Free Will — Right to Freedom of: Religion, Speech/Expression, Philosophy, Education/Information, Medicine/Healthcare, Mobility, and Redress from Grievances

 • Free will of the individual in pursuit of peace & happiness, prosperity & property, and liberty is protected.

 • Slavery is prohibited.

Natural Right of Parental Authority

 • Parental life choices protected, such as matters of health, education & religion for their children.

Natural Right of Life, Peace, and Self-Defense

 • Initiation of violence and murder prohibited.

 • Right to bear arms protected.

 • Right to defense from threats.

Natural Right to Free Market Commerce and Private Contract

 • No individual or collective (including a state) can justly interfere in, nor regulate private contracts (including marriage); thus, interference with the free market, or regulation thereof, is prohibited.

 • Control over or manipulation of currency by any individual or collective is prohibited.

Natural Right to Property and the Fruit of One's Labor

 • Theft is prohibited; thus, direct taxes upon labor are prohibited.

Natural Right to Recompense from Fraud

• Perjuries or deceptions which cause damages to others are prohibited.

Natural Right of Privacy

 • Spying upon individuals is prohibited.

 • Direct taxes are prohibited.

Civil Rights implemented to Secure Natural Rights

Civil Right to expedient trial by fully informed jury of one’s peers if/when charged with a violation of another’s natural rights.

Civil Right to petition the government for redress of grievances — especially violations of natural rights.

Civil Right to a fair and transparent election system.

to be continued...