Dutchmans Pipevine

Dutchman's Pipe Vine (Aristolochia Macrophylla) Seeds from the Appalachian Mountains

***Out of Stock***

Perennial Flowering Vine, early to mid- spring blooms, and unusual saxophone-shaped flowers. Throat is light-green with burgandy veins, and floret is deep-burgandy with a neon-yellow center. Vine produces attractive heart-shaped leaves up to 12 inches long, larval host to the pipevine swallowtail butterfly, Cold Hardy, Growing zones 4-8, Aristolochia Macrophylla Pipevine, Mail Order Package containing 40 seeds.


Dutchman's pipe (also known as pipevine) prefers fertile, moist, well-drained soil in partial-shade especially in hotter-climates. It does better in filtered-light or with cooler summer-temperatures.

Seed stock is available from three large pipe-vine specimens located near the Cumberland National Forest of Kentucky. The specimens are growing at about 1,200 feet elevation on a steep slope under a tree-canopy of filtered forest-sunlight.

Pipevine is the larval host plant for the pipevine swallowtail which makes an interesting addition to the butterfly garden. The butterfly coloration can vary from dark to metallic blue in full sunlight. Pipevine is also noted for its large heart-shaped leaves.

The vine has one of the oddest flowers you'll see, but perhaps the oddest feature is the pipevine-swallowtail-caterpillar with looks that are threatening, but it's harmless otherwise. They're inedible to wildlife.

In the Fall the caterpillar forms a crysallis with equally odd appearance. Pipevine continues the show during the Fall-season with a display of cucumber-like seedpods hanging like tree-ornaments. The leaves drop without having fall-colors.

Pipevine Seed Storage and Planting

Seeds need 3 months below 40 degrees F before they will break dormancy. Keep them refrigerated (in a refrigerator). Then they'll be ready to plant!

If you receive them in the winter you can plant them and allow them to continue dormancy in the soil until Spring.

Soak seeds in water for about a day before planting. Seeds should germinate within 1 - 3 months at 68°F (20°C). Plant sprouted seedlings in individual pots and continue growing them indoors, then plant outdoors after the last frost. Division in autumn. Root cuttings in winter.

Historical Footnotes

Pipevine once had a legendary reputation as a birth-aid in american folklore. It was an old-time ornamental plant commonly found on arbors and fence rails in the rural american landscape.