HODs Message

The Information Technology Department of this premier Institute equips the students with practical based knowledge modeled upon developments in software technology and its application in the relevant fields, both traditional and emerging. The students gain industry oriented knowledge for their preparation to meet the demands in the competitive market. The conventional theoretical lessons are backed by ample laboratory practices. 

We guide the students in proper direction amidst an atmosphere of open mind‐set to make them inquisitive about the emerging technologies with sufficient theoretical and practical training enabling them to readily adapt themselves in the global market. 

The I.T. infrastructure present at NIT consists of state‐of‐art Computer Labs with high speed internet connection. A total of 15,000 sq. ft. has been used for creating these LABs, which provides students with adequate practical experiences and a dedicated internet connection for knowledge enhancement and research. In recognition of this robust and structured computing facility, major leading firms/bodies, including TCS, Co‐Cubes, leading Banks /AIEEE, make use of this infrastructure for their online recruitment exams. 

Professional liaison with leading Training and Research Institutes of the country are maintained for fruitful collaborations in emerging trends in the area of Information Technology.

NIT maintains constant communication with all leading companies in order to asses their needs in terms of manpower and know‐how for better placement of students. We endeavor for an all‐round development of the students including academic competence, leadership and personality, so that they acquire the traits of not only a highly skilled professional, but also that of a responsible citizen.

                                                                                                                                            Dr. Bidyut K Medya

                                                                                                                                            Professor & Head ‐ Department of Information Technology