
The Information Technology Department (Year of Inception 2001) of this premier Institute equips the students with practical based knowledge modeled upon developments in software technology and its application in the relevant fields, both traditional and emerging. The students gain industry oriented knowledge for their preparation to meet the demands in the competitive market. The conventional theoretical lessons are backed by ample laboratory practices. We  guide  the  students  in  proper  direction  amidst  an  atmosphere  of  open  mind‐set to make them inquisitive about the emerging technologies with sufficient theoretical and practical training enabling them t readily adapt themselves in the global market. 


The  I.T.  infrastructure  present  at  NIT  consists  of  state‐of‐art Computer Labs with high speed internet connection. A total of 15,000 sq. ft. has been used for

creating  these LABs, which provides students with adequate practical experiences and a dedicated internet connection for knowledge enhancement and esearch. In recognition of this robust and structured  computing  facility, major  leading  firms/bodies,  including TCS,  Co‐Cubes,  leading  Banks  / AIEEE and many more  make use of this infrastructure for their online recruitment exams.


 Information Technology drive the world and has become an indispensable part of human civilization. For every learned individual, it is an asset for the knowledge economy. IT  not only grooms research scientists who have passion for invention and novel design of new technology and explore new vistas for the use of existing technology. Prospective computer technologists are supervised and guided by experts to study and solve complex problems in computing in all walks of human endeavour especially in business, science, medicine, and education sector.

Booming IT sector in India has plenty of jobs for fresh IT graduates. Candidates from top engineering Universities and colleges  get attractive job offers from MNC IT companies. A person having B.Tech in  information technology can start his career as IT engineer. Career in IT is considered one of the most high-paying jobs and is full of opportunities; particularly when India’s prowess in information technology industry and Make in India & Digital India like boosting from government is recognized across the globe. Besides the IT Engineers have plenty of options to work in IT companies in departments such as design, development, assembly, manufacture and maintenance, etc.


The Information Technology Department of this premier Institute equips the students with practical based knowledge modeled upon developments in software technology and its application in the relevant fields, both traditional and emerging. The students gain industry oriented knowledge for their preparation to meet the demands in the competitive market. The conventional theoretical lessons are backed by ample laboratory practices. 


We guide the students in proper direction amidst an atmosphere of open mind‐set to make them inquisitive about the emerging technologies with sufficient theoretical and practical training enabling them to readily adapt themselves in the global market. 



Mr. Anirban Bhar and Mr. Soumya Bhattacharyya have published a paper entitled “Detecting Software Bugs towards efficient Software Development : A Model Based Approach” in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering & Technology. ISSN (2278-627X – for Online Version) ISSN : (2319-3778 – for printed version), January , 2016.


Mr. Anirban Bhar and Mr. Soumya Bhattacharyya have published a paper entitled “An Approach to Handle Software Designing Defects to Produce High Quality Acceptable Software” in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing , Volume 5 , Issue 2 , February 2016. ISSN : 2320-088X.


Ms. Tamasree Biswas and Mr. Soumya Bhattacharyya  have published a paper entitled “An Approach to Implement Data Mining in Service Oriented Methodology Towards Amelioration of Society” in International Journal Of  Innovations in Engineering & Technology , Volume 6 Issue 3 February 2016. ISSN : 2319-1058.


Ms. Sujata Kundu, Ms. Shyamapriya Chowdhury and Mr. Soumya Bhattacharyya have published a paper entitled “Analyzing Different Features of Artificial Neural Networks and Its Applications  In Different Fields” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Volume 5 Issue 3 March 2016 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753                                                                                                                                                                  ISSN (Print)  :  2347-6710


Mr. Anirban Bhar has published a paper with two of the final year B. Tech (IT) students (Shimontini Majumder and Suchandra Nath Chakraborty) entitled: “AN EFFICIENT FRAMEWORK TO IDENTIFY QUALITY ATTRIBUTES AND TO PROVIDE FLEXIBILITY IN DEVELOPMENT” was published in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY (IJESRT), Volume 5, Issue 7, pp. 74-80 in July 2016, ISSN: 2277-9655.


Mr. Anirban Bhar has published a paper entitled: “Soft Testing Life Cycle: A guideline to model, analysis and verify NFR” was published in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 271-276 in January 2016, ISSN: 2278-621X.


Mr. Anirban Bhar has published a paper entitled: “A COMPARATIVE SURVEY ON PAPR REDUCTION TECHNIQUES FOR OFDM PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT” was published in International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), Volume 6, Issue 10, pp. 53-65 in October 2015, ISSN Online: 0976-6472.


Mr. Anirban Bhar has published a paper entitled: “Proto-Spiral: A Hybrid SDLC Model for Measuring Scalability Early in Development Using a Probabilistic Approach” was presented in the National Conference on “Emerging Trends on Computing & Communication” (ETCC 2014) in March 2014 at Hotel Pride, Kolkata and published by the Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 298, Chapter 25, Page: 235-244, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1817-3_25.


Mr. Anirban Bhar has published a paper entitled: “Channel Allocation in a Cognitive Radio Network Using Non Deterministic Q Learning Algorithm” was presented and published in the IEEE Third International Conference on “Emerging Applications of Information Technology” (EAIT 2013) in December 2013 at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.


Ms. Tamasree Biswas has published a paper entitled  “ An Improved Approach for Document Image Mosaicing” in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2016   ISSN: 2277 128X


Ms. Tamasree Biswas has published a paper entitled  “A Novel Approach for Descriptive Answer Script Evaluation”, in the  International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2016   ISSN: 2277 128X.


Ms. Tamasree Biswas has published a paper entitled  “Route Prediction From Mobility Pattern of Cell Phone Users”, in the International Journal Of Latest Trends In Engineering And Technology, Volume 6, Issue 4, March 2016   ISSN: 2278 621X