Contact Information

Hawaii  Congressional  Members

Senator  Brian Schatz 

300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 7-212              722 Hart Senate Office Building

Honolulu, HI 96850                                                 Washington, DC 20510-1102


Phone (808) 523-2061                                               Phone (202) 224-3934

Email -


Senator  Mazie Hirono 

300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 3-106          109 Hart Senate Office Building

Honolulu, HI  96850                                           Washington, DC 20510-1102


    Phone (808) 522-8970                                          Phone (202) 224-6361

FAX: (808) 545-4683                                           FAX: (202) 224-2126

Email -  


Representative. Edward Case

1003 Bishop Street, Ste 1110                             2210 Rayburn House Office Building

Honolulu, HI 96813                                           Washington, DC 20515


Phone (808) 650-6688                                          Phone (202) 225-2726


Representative,  Jill Tokuda      

                                                                                      1005 Longworth House Office Building

                                                                                      Washington DC 20515

                                                                                      Phone (202)-225-4906, 

                                                                                      FAX 202-225-4987

Send an email letter to them using NARFE’s letter-writing tool. 

Go to, Log into your personal account. At NARFE Home Page, click on ADVOCACY , then at the drop down menu, click on Take Action. Select your issue to get to its letter template. Add a personal message in the letter – how are you harmed by lack of corrective legislation. By your zip code, NARFE identifies your representatives and senators if it is a House or Senate bill, or both and emails your letter to them. (This is NARFE helping you do your grassroots lobbying.)