
Alzheimer’s Teams Report for NARFE Hawaii Federation

February 2024   

With the support of our Federation’s Alzheimer’s Coordinator, John Priolo, I have served as the Team Captain for NARFE HI Federation teams, raising funds for Alzheimer’s Longest Day and Walk to End Alzheimer’s annual campaigns. Here is my report:

·      As of December 31, 2023, the HI Federation teams raised $2,565 for Alzheimer’s in the 2023 Longest Day campaignand $4,121 in the 2023 Walk to End Alzheimer’s campaign.

·      As of February 6, 2024, the HI Federation teams raised $70 toward our goal of $1,600 in the 2024 Longest Day campaign and $50 toward our goal of $4,000 in the 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer’s campaign.

·      HI Federation teams are registered to receive donations online for the 2024 Longest Day and 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer’s campaigns. The 2024 team links are:

o   Longest Day:; and

o   Walk to End Alzheimer’s:

·      HI Federation teams can receive mail-in donations marked for either campaign by checks payable to NARFE Alzheimer’s Research sent to my home address at 1314 Kalakaua Ave Apt 602, Honolulu, HI 96826-1903.

·      HI Federation teams can receive donations until these deadlines:

o   Longest Day: July 31, 2024; and

o   Walk to End Alzheimer’s: December 31, 2024.

·      HI Federation teams can receive online or mail-in donations from NARFE members, their families, and friends for any or no purpose. I set up the 2023 and 2024 team links to honor the memory of my wife, Yuriko, who passed away on July 1, 2023, from Alzheimer’s dementia, which was diagnosed in 2012. Most of the donations that the HI Federation Teams received in both 2023 campaigns were offered in her memory. I can easily change the team links to honor the memory of your loved one who also passed away from Alzheimer’s.

Respectfully submitted,

Lawrence Enomoto

Team Captain

Alzheimer's 2024

(updated 4/2024)

Collected $1,664.00 as of 31 March for F/Y 23/24. You may donate using the form

on page 17of the April NARFE magazine. Lawrence Enomoto set up sites for the

2024 Longest Day and the 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer’s at with $195.00 raised to date and with $50.00 raised to date.

As of 31 March 2024 NARFE total fund raising was $16,166,197.00 which is in

excess of the goal of $16 million by 31 December 2025.

NARFE Citation for Distinguished Service 

is awarded to 

Lawrence Enomoto

in recognition of outstanding contributions to the 

 NARFE  Alzheimer's Program 

Many thanks to Larry Enomoto for organizing the Hawaii Federation team!!