Joining the Project

We will have at least four positions each summer for undergraduate students who would like to join this project. You need to have had at least Calculus II and be hard working, independent, and enthusiastic. Good writing and communication skills are important. While majoring or minoring in Mathematics or Computer Science is helpful, we also strongly encourage students from any other major to apply, particularly any of the sciences, Art, or a writing-intensive major.

You can learn more about the project from the links on this website, and the power point overview here: Project Background

For more information on how the summer work is structured and what benefits this experience might have for you, please see the description here: REU Description

This summer our research group will begin work on June 5th and finish on July 28th. This is a full-time commitment, and you should not plan to take any courses or work a second job.

Summer housing is available in the dorms for a nominal price, and includes a 10-meal per week meal plan. There will be many other students on campus doing research in other disciplines, and the College will sponsor three lunches to bring together this 'community of scholars'. This summer, research students will be housed in Hodson, so you will have kitchen space available.

To apply, please submit the following items by email to

  • A short statement (less than one page) indicating why you are interested in joining this project.
  • A writing sample. This would typically be a paper you completed in one of your courses.
  • Your resume.
  • A copy of your transcript. It does not need to be an official copy, you can print a .pdf file from Knightvision.
  • Names of two references. At least one of these should be an SMC professor you have taken a class with.

We will beginning reviewing applications on March 15th, and we will continue accepting applications until all positions are filled.