Grant Support

Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation through awards 1001408 and 133241, particularly NSF EFRI-ODESSEI—Foldable self-replicating DNA nanostructures for organization of functional nanomaterials and 3D meta-material assembly (co-PI; W. Goddard, Caltech, PI). August 2013-July 2019. This work has also been partially supported by the Vermont Space Grant Consortium through NASA grant number NNX10AK67H. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NSF or NASA.

Grant Announcement

Prior grant support:

· NASA—Vermont Space Grant Consortium Grant, Summer Student Mentoring, Design Strategies for Self-Assembly, Summer 2012 .

· NASA—Vermont Space Grant Consortium Grant, Summer Student Mentoring, Design Strategies for Self-Assembly, Summer 2011.

· NSF Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics, New Graph Theory from and for Nanoconstruct Design Strategies, June 2010-May 2013.

· NASA—Vermont Space Grant Consortium Grant, Design Strategies for Self-Assembly, September 2010-August 2011.

· Vermont Genetics Network/INBRE Baccalaureate Funding, Graph Polynomials and DNA Structures, September 2005-May 2010.

· Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics, Applied Graph Theory Undergraduate Research Group, AY 2009-2010.

· NASA—Vermont Space Grant Consortium Student Mentoring Grant, DNA Nanostructures, Summer 2009.

· Vermont EPSCoR, The Potts/Tutte Model for nearest neighbor complex systems, June 2009-May 2010.

· National Security Agency Standard Grant, Fiscal Years 2007 and 2008.

· NASA—Vermont Space Grant Consortium Student Mentoring Grant, June 2006-May 2007.

· Vermont EPSCoR Netlist Summer Support, Summer 2006.

· Vermont Genetics Network/BRIN summer research support, Summer 2004.

· Vermont Genetics Network/BRIN continued research support, academic year 2003-2004.

· Vermont Genetics Network/BRIN summer research support, Summer 2003.