<3 Reminder>

Subject: Professional Development Reminder

As part of our professional development week, I have arranged for a professional webdesign company to host a webinar (conference on the web) with your team. Since your next deliverable is a website, I encourage you to attend this session.

We will meet in the Online Meeting room. Check the company calendar for date/time.

We will not have our regularly schedule staff meeting next week in lieu of the webinar. If you would like to meet with me, please have your team leader schedule a time with me.

As part of your deliverable, be sure to submit (individually) your notes after you attend the webinar. You will receive professional development credit from NaluHou for attending the webinar and submitting the notes.


Office System Services Division Manager, NaluHou

T: 808.455.5555

F: 808.455.5556
