2 Requirements

Subject: Second Deliverable Requirements & Action Plan

I hope the Office Software project you are working on is going well.

Below is a suggested Action Plan to help you with the deliverable.

    1. Work within your team and divide up the work.
    2. Perform Internet research searches on:
        • software applications that run locally on the computer with data stored on the hard drive of the computer
        • applications that run on the Internet with data stored in the “cloud” (A search term you may want to use is “cloud computing”.)

Take notes of key concepts.

    1. Perform Internet research on:
        • Microsoft Office
        • Google Apps or MS Office365.

Take notes of key concepts. Be sure to include functionality such as word processor, presentation, spreadsheet, database, email, scheduling, and contacts.

    1. Perform Internet research for pricing for 50 licenses for each product you are recommending (if applicable).
    2. Draft your presentation. If several people work on the presentation, make sure you go over it so the final version is cohesive, professional and unified. Use the NaluHou Presentation Style Guide to make sure your presentation adheres to the formatting guidelines.
    3. View professional presentations (widely available on the web). One site that I have used in the past is Slideshare (http://www.slideshare.com). By critically viewing other presentations you will learn what works and what doesn’t work.
    4. Practice your presentation. Elizabeth and her management team have allocated 20 minutes for your presentation. Please respect their time and stay within the time limit.

Everyone on the team is equally responsible for the final product. Take time to polish the document and make sure you are satisfied with the document before submitting it.


    1. Notes from your research - information and facts in your words or properly cited.
    2. Draft of your Presentation (with narration) (Task 2). If you are unfamiliar with narrating a presentation, I have create a quick reference for you.

Submitting Your Work:

Since I am managing several different projects at the same time, in order to help me to keep organized, be sure the project team leader submits all deliverables via the Laulima's Assignment tool. Also, submit the NaluHou Task 2 checklist. Be sure all team member names are on the checklist and the team has gone through the checklist carefully. Submit the deliverables by Friday at midnight.

Even though I am away, I am reachable by email. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Reminder Email sent a week later.


Office System Services Division Manager, NaluHou

T: 808.455.5555

F: 808.455.5556
