Parent Advisory Council

Welcome to the PAC


Just as our students' roles have changed with their entry into High School, parents' roles have changed as well. Many of the events and programs run by parents in the lower grades are now the responsibility of students. The parent role in the High School setting is supplemental and advisory in nature.

PAC Meetings

The PAC has regularly scheduled meetings that provide an open forum for parents and administrators to discuss issues, review goals, approve expenditures and promote a positive atmosphere of cooperation.

The NAHS PAC will meet on Wednesday, September 27th from 8:30 am to 10:00 am in room 1064. This will be a PAC sponsored Principal/Parent Coffee.

The rest of the meetings are scheduled for November 15th, January 17th, March 7th and May 16th. Please check the calendar for more information. All are welcome.

School Support

The PAC depends on direct donations throughout the school year. Resources collected are then dispersed to support PAC activities, student and teacher requests. The following is a brief outline of what the PAC supports. It is by no means exhaustive, the PAC prides itself on its ability to be flexible and respond to the changing needs of the school.

· Plans to host 1 breakfast (Sept), 1 dessert bar (Dec) and 1 lunch (May) for staff appreciation each school year.

· Provide start up funds for student clubs and help fund faculty requests supporting teaching efforts.

· Along with the Heal Club, the PAC physically and financially supports cleanup efforts in the fall and spring.

· Support the NA Parent Resource Network Series, which brings professional public speakers to our schools. The NAHS PAC, along with the other school PTO groups, helps to fund several speakers during the school year geared to parenting topics and education. For more information, please contact the North Andover Parent Resource Network at Volunteers are welcome who would like to help plan and organize events!

· Continue to fund the Planning for Information College Committee (PICC), which supports the Guidance Department as they run one of the best programs to assist parents and students with the college preparation process.


The PAC DOES NOT compete with student fundraising efforts that take place throughout the year and depend solely on direct donations to sustain support. We are a 501 (c) (3) charity and all donations are tax deductible. We can also accept Employee Match Donations offered by employers. We ask you to consider donating to the PAC for the 2017-18 school year. A suggested donation amount is $25. We get donations that are less and donations that are more; however, if EVERY NAHS family donated $25 we could say YES to many more funding requests. Our funds for last year were down from the past several years which meant we had to say NO to some of the requests made by the teachers. This was difficult because their reasons for asking were good ones and always for the benefit of NAHS students. Please visit the Direct Donation page to donate.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact any PAC officer. (Please see the CONTACT INFORMATION under the PAC Officers page.)