Mt Umunhum

Description: Mt Umunhum from Jacques Ridge Lot

Distance = 16.6mi (Google Earth), 17.2mi (Caltopo)

Total evation ascent = 4170’ (Google Earth), 3200' (Caltopo)

Lowest to highest elevation = 2216’

My Run/Hike time = 4.5hr

Caltopo elevation profile

The conventional path to Mt Umunhum begins at the Bald Mountain parking lot with a round trip mileage of 7.7 miles. I was looking for more of a challenge so started from the Jacques Ridge parking lot at the intersection of Hicks Road and Mt Umunhum Road, doubling the mileage. The boxy concrete radar station at the summit of Mt Um appears deceptively close from the parking lot.

After 2.8mi on the Woods Trail, I made a left onto Barlow which maintains a steep incline for about a quarter mile, before a short drop to cross Guadalupe Creek. From here, it is a consistently moderate climb the rest of the way. I made a right onto the singletrack Mt Umunhum Trail, where hikers from the Bald Mountain parking lot would normally join. I saw few other hikers today; not surprising as it was fairly hot even for mid-June. Fortunately, manzanitas provided much shade along the way.

The trail below the summit was exposed and hot

It was quiet at the summit, with only a bicyclist who had taken the road up. For those unable to hike, there is a paved road to a parking lot at the summit.

I retraced my steps back down, stopping at the Guadalupe Overlook along the way