Joseph Grant Park

Distance = 7.2mi

Gross Elevation = +/- 1600

TH to Summit = 1200

Caltopo elevation profile

The road to Joseph Grant Park is winding and narrow but the nearly 11,000 acre park rewards you with 51 miles of trails. I ran a short loop starting from the 2nd main lot past the entrance kiosk. After crossing Mt Hamilton Rd, I continued past the small pond where I noticed a few coots and buffleheads floating.

At about the 1 mile point, I made a right onto Los Huecos Trail, where the nearly 30 degree sloped sections will test your aerobic fitness. After gaining almost 1000’ in about 1 ¾ mile, I made a right onto the Canada de Paia Trail.

The Lick Observatory atop Mount Hamilton, only 2.5 miles away, can be seen to the east.

This park is an oak-lovers paradise. The oak’s meandrous limbs add movement and character to the lulling grassy hills. My app identified a few of the species as Blue Oak and Oregon Oak. Almost 1 ½ miles along the Canada de Paia ridge, I made a right turn onto the Yerba Buena Trail where I passed more magnificent oaks.

The Yerba Buena Trail took me back to Mt Hamilton Rd which I paralleled back to the pond I had passed earlier. At the pond, I decided to continue on for a view of Grant Lake before returning back to my car. Although there were a fair amount of cars at the Grant Lake and main parking lots, the trails were quiet and peaceful.