Indonesian Slang Words


ABG, A Be Ge, Anak Baru Gede = Teenager

Ababil, ABG labil = labile teenager, immature

Abang = calling older male

Afgan = Sadistic, when someone hurt you, extremely low bidding

Agan, gan = bro

Akik = Gemstone

Akik = Akika = i, me, mine

Alay = overdressed, asshole, jerk, teenage douchebag (female/male)

Aq, ak, akyu akoh, akooh = i, me, mine

Ajib = Cool, awesome

Amburadul = disorganized

Amit-amit (sometimes followed by “jabang bayi”) = God forbid, Oh my God

Amoy = Chinese/oriental girl

Amsyong = Damn it!

Ane = i, me, mine

Anjrot! = Anjir! = Anying! = Anjing! = damn!

Apose = Apa sih = what the hell

Asem = damn, tamarind

Asongan = Peddler

Asu = Dog, shit, fuck


Babe, Beh = Dad, Daddy, Father

Banci, Bencong, Bences = Gay, Transgender, Homosexual, chicken, not brave

Bang = Calling older male

Bahasa gaul = slang

Banget, Bingit = very

Bangsat = Bad guy

Bangsat! = Godammit! WTF!

Baper = Sentimental, melancholic

Beb, Beib = Babe

Begichu = Begicyu = Gicyu = Just like that, that’s all i said

Begindang = Just like that, that’s all i said

Bego = Stupid

Begono = Begini = like that

Bencong = Gay, Transgender, chicken, not brave

Bengek = cough

Bengong = Shocked, pensive

Beol, Be’ol = poop, defecate

Berbunga-bunga = happy, enthusiastic

Bete, BT = bored, bad temper

Beud, Beut, Banget = Very

Bhay = bye

Bikin/Membikin = Make

Binan = Homosexual, gay

Bingit = Banget = very

Bispak, Bisa dipakai = Easy to have sex, slut

Bisyar = Bisa dibayar = prostitute

Biyasak = biasa = usual

Bohay = Sexy, curvy, a bit fat body

Boil = Car

Bokap = Daddy, Father

Bokep = adult movie

Boker = poop, defecate

Bokis = lie

Bonek = Bondo Nekat = doing something bravely without any money

Bonek = Surabaya football supporter

Bonyok = hurt

Bonyok (from “Bokap Nyokap”) = Father and Mother

Bo’ol = anal sex

Brondong, Berondong = young guy, teenage boy

Brp (from berapa) = how many, how much

BS-BS (ffrom “Bayar Sendiri”) = Go dutch

Buanyak = a lot

Bujuk dah! = Holly shit!

Bulet, Bulat = Round

Buluk = Bulukan = Ugly, worn out


Cabe-cabean = Teenage girl

Cabut = Go

Capcus = Go, depart, move on

Cakep = Good-looking

Cekidot = Check it out!

Cemban = ceban = Ten thuosand

Cembokur = Jelous

Cemen = chicken, not brave

Cemungudh: Keep on going

Cengli = fair

Cepek = a hundred

Cewek = Girl

Cincay = Cincai = easy to deal with

Cingcong = words

Cintrong = love

Cie = Ciye = (an expression usually said before sarcastic words/mocking)

Cipok = Cipokan = Kiss, french kiss, kiss on the neck

Ciyus (usualy followed by “Miapah”) = Serious, Reallly

Cobain = Try

Coli = Jerk off, onani

Copas = Copy and paste

Cowok = Boy

Cuek = careless

Cuekin = Don’t mind, don’t think about it

Culun = Silly

Cupu, Culun punya = not trendy, looser

Curcol = Sharing sad story about yourself (implicitly)

Curhat = Sharing sad story about yourself (explicitly)

Cuss = let’s go, depart

Cyin (from cinta) = love, dear

Cuy = dude


Dancuk, Jancuk (impolite word) = fuck

Deh = please

Demen = Like, crush on someone, addicted, fond

Desye, dese = You, Yours

Dikit = Sedikit = a little, not much, not many

Dimandose = where

Dimari/Di mari = here

Dl (from dulu) = before

DL (derita lo) = it’s your own risk

Doang, Doank = Only

Dodol (Originally from a Garut’s traditional snack) = Stupid

Doi, Do’i, Doski = He/him, She/her

Doku = Wallet, purse

Dong = please

Drakor = Korean Drama TV Series

Dugem, Dunia Gemerlap = Nightlife, Clubbing

Duit = money


EGP, Emang Gue Pikirin = I Don’t Care

Ember (original meaning of ember is bucket) = Emang (from memang) = definitely, fussy, that’s right

Emoh = No, i don’t want it

Endes = Endeus = yummy

Entot (impolite word) = Fuck

Ente = You, yours

Elo = You, Yours

Esek-esek = Prostitute

Eyke, eke = I, Me, Mine


Fulus = Money

Futu = Photo, take a photo


Gaes = Guys

Gaban (segede gaban) = really huge

Gadun = Old guy

Gaje = not consistent, not clear

Gajebo = not consistent, not clear

Gak = Ga = No, Don’t

Galau = Restless, sad, having personal problem

Gambreng (Such as Segede Gambreng) = Really huge

Gamon = Gagal Move On = Failed to move on

Gampar = Slap

Gan, Agan = bro

Gaplok = slap

Garing (for joke) = Lame, corny

Gaul = hang out, trendy, social butterfly

Gawe = work

Gawean = job

Gebet = gebetan = Ngegebet = To pick up, crush on someone

Geblek, Goblok = Stupid

Gede = Big

Gedong = very big

Ge-er, GR = Big-headed, too much confident, egotistical

Gegara = Gara-gara = Because

Geje = not consistent, not clear

Gelo = Crazy

Gemes, Gemesin, Ngegemesin = cute (in positive way), makes someone angry (in negative way)

Gengges = cute (in positive way), makes someone angry (in negative way)

Geulis, Neng Geulis (originally from Sundanese) = Pretty girl

Gimana = How

Gitu, Begitu = Like that

Gmn (from Gimana) = How

Goblok = Stupid

Gocap = five thousand

Gokil = Crazy, cool, awesome

Gombal = Baloney, worn out cloth

Gopek = Five hundred

Gorjes = Gorgeous

Grepe, Grepe-grepe, Grepek = touch someone’s body (sexually)

Gretong = Gretongan = Gratis = free of charge

Gua, Gue = I, Me, Mine

Gw (usually used in text form like sms, forum, etc.) = I, Me, Mine


Halah = Yeah

Hiks = Sigh

Hombreng = Homosexual, gay


IGO = Indonesian Girl Only (Usually explicit Indonesian girls sexy pictures/videos)

Ilfil = bad mood, angry, mad

Imut = Cute


Jablay = Whore, Bitch

Jaim, Ja’im, Jaga Image = Superficial

Jajan = buy food, buy smal stuff, hire/find a prostitute

Jamred = pending message

Jancuk = Fuck, Penis

Japri = private message

Jayus = lame joke, Corny

Jd (from jadi) = be, become

Jebakan Betmen/Batman = website prank

Jembut = Pubic hair

Jeng, or Jeung = Sis, girl

Jengkel = annoyed, angry

Jgn (from jangan) = Don’t

Jijay = Disgusting

Jomblo = Jomlo = Single person, being single, a guy/girl who don’t have a partner lover

Jones = Jomblo Ngenes = bad luck jomblo

Jutek = Sassy


Kacrut = Suck, problematic

Kagak = No, Not, Don’t

Kaki Lima = Street vendor

Kampes (Usualy used in Malang City or East Java) = Underwear

Kampret = Damn

Kamseupay = tacky, plebeian

Kancut = Underwear

Kate = Say, Said

Katro = Katrok = Tacky, overacting

Kayak = Like, as, such

Kece = Cool, Awesome

Kece badai = very cool, very awesome

Kek = Kayak = Kyk = like, such

Kekasih gelap = Secret lover

Kekinian = Up to date, now trending

Keleus, keles (or Yakeleus/yakeles) = really, please, of course, no wonder

Kelon = Cuddling

Kelupaan = Forget

Keplak = punch someone’s head

Kepo = wondering, want to know other business/problem/personal things

Kepret = Slap

Keren = Cool

Ketek = Armpit

Kena batunya = You had it coming (karma)

Kenthu (usually used in Javanese)= Fuck, sex, make love

Kenti = Dick, Penis

Kentut = fart

Kepengen = want

Kere = Poor

Keren = Cool, Awesome

Kesel = Annoyed, angry, mad

Kewong = kawin = married

Kimpoi = Wedding

Knp = Kenapa = Why, that’s why

Kok = (additional word to emphasize clarification)

Komuk = Face

Kongkow = hang out

Kontol = Penis

Koplak = Stupid

Krik = joke but noone laughed

Kudet = not updated with current situation

Kumpul Kebo = Domestic Partnership, sammen leven

Kuper (from “kurang pergaulan”) = Unsocialized, introverted, don’t know anything

KZL (see Kesel) = Annoyed, angry, mad


Laf = Love

Laper = Hungry

Lapsyong = Hungry

Lebay = overacting, too much

Lekong = Man, Men

Leyeh-leyeh, Leyehan = Lay down

Lho = (additional word to emphasize a thing when you give some information)

Lu, Lo, Elo = You, Yours

Loe (usually used in text form like sms, forum, etc.) = You, Yours

Lonte = Whore, prostitute

Lupita = Forgot


Macacih? = Really? Are you sure?

Macapah = Maciapah = With whom?

Makacih = Makasih = Terima kasih = Thank you

Mager = lazy

Malam Jumat (different from Jumat Malam/Friday Night) = Thursday night (if “malam” said in front of the day, it means the night before the day)

Malam Minggu = Malem Minggu = Malming = Saturday night

Malming = Malam Minggu = Malem Minggu = Saturday night

Markipul = Let’s go home

Masak sih? = Really? Are you sure?

Matre = Materialistic

Mbalelo = disobedient, stubborn

Mejeng = See and be seen, pose

Meki = Vagina

Meler = Runny nose

Memek = vagina

Meneketehe = I don’t know

Miapah (Usually preceded by “Ciyus”) = For what reason

Mimin = Administrator

Min = Administrator

Mingkem = closed lips

Mbulet = complicated

Mo = want

Moge = Motor gede = Big motorcycle, such as Sport motorcycle, Harley Davidson cruiser motorcycle, etc.

Montok = Sexy, curvy, a bit fat body

Muke = Muka = Face

Mulet = stretch (the body)

Muncrat = squirt

Muter = Turn around, spin, play a song


Nah = (to conclude precious sentence)

Najong = Najis = Dirty, shameful

Naksir = Crush on someone

Narsis = Self narcissistic, self-loving, self-admiring

Narso = Self narcissistic, self-loving, self-admiring

Ndak (originally from Javanese) = No, Not

Ndas (from Javanese) = Head

Nenen = breastfeeding

Netek = breastfeeding

Ngabur = Fleeing

Ngacir = Fleeing

Ngakak = Laugh out loud

Ngambek = cranky, mad, angry

Ngana (from Ngapak/Banyumas word) = you

Ngapak = A language usually spoken in Banyumas, Central Java

Ngasih = Give

Ngeblog = write a blog

Ngebut = Fast

Ngedumel = Whine, nag

Ngehe, Ngehek (Swear word) = Say “ngehek” when you are angry/annoyed with someone/something

Ngeledek = Bully, tease

Ngelonin, Ngeloni = To cuddle

Ngemeng, Ngomong = Say, speaking

Ngenes = tragic, bad luck

Ngentot (impolite word) = Fuck, sex, make love

Ngentut = fart

Ngewe = Ngewek = Fuck, Making Love

Nggak, Ngga = No, Not, Don’t

Nggilani = Disgusting

Ngibul = lie, lying

Ngiler = drool

Ngilir, Nglilir, Ngelilir = Wake from sleep

Ngobrol = Chat

Ngocol = Joking

Ngojek = Ride motorcycle taxi

Ngomel = nag

Ngos-ngosan = Out of breath

Ngupil = nose-picking

Nih, Nich = (addition word to emphasize of worrying on something), There you go

Nimbrung = Join

Nongkrong = Hang out, sit

Norak = Tacky, overacting

Nyepong = Oral sex

Nyinyir = Skeptical, negative comment, negative thinking

Nyipok = Kiss, french kiss, kiss on the neck

Nyokap = Mother


Obrol = Obrolan = chat

Ogah = No, i don’t want it

Ojek = Motorcyle taxi

Onyet = Monkey

Otewe = otw = on the way


Pake = Use, Wear

Pala = Pale = Head

Panlok = Panda Lokal = Indonesian chinese/oriental girl (mostly in prostitution)

PD, Pe De, Percaya Diri = Confident

PDKT, Pendekatan = Flirting on someone, hitting on someone

Pecun = silly whore

Peler = testicle

Pembokat = househelper, servant

Pengen = Pengin = want

Pentil = nipple

Perak (if following nominal of money) = Rupiah (Indonesian currency)

Pertamax = first comment in an online forum

Pere (from”perempuan”) = lady

Perek (from “Perempuan eksperimen”) = Whore, Bitch

Pesing = Smells not good

Peyang = Imperfect/Asymetric head shape

PHP, Pe Ha Pe (Pemberian Harapan Palsu) = Breaking a promise

Pilon (belagak pilon) = pretend, hiding something

Plin-plan = Wishy-washy

Plis = Please

Poto = Photo

Prikitiew = (to express excitement)

Pundung (Usually in Sundanese)= Angry, cranky

Puter = turn around, spin, play a song


Q (in short of “ku” or “aku” usually used in text form like sms, forum, etc.) = I, Me, Mine


Rapopo (aku rapopo) = Okay (i’m okay)

Rasain = Serve you right

Rempong = complicated, troublesome, busy, too many accessories


Sakaw = addicted

Sampe = = sampai = until

Sange, Sakaw Ngentot (impolite words) = Horny

Sante (from “santai”) = Relax

Sarap = Crazy

Say (from “Sayang”) = Dear

Segede gaban = really huge

Selangit = top of the world

Semok = Sexy, curvy, a bit fat body

Sempak = Underwear

Sepele = Unimportant

Sepong = Oral sex

Serak-serak basah = Throaty, husky voice

Seupil = very small

Sialan = damn

Sih, sich = (additional word to emphasize a question)

Sinting = Crazy

Situ = There, You, Yours

Sithik, sitik (from Javanese word) = a little, not much

Sob = Bro

Sok (Sundanese)= Please

Sok = Too confident

Somplak = Broken, Stupid

Somse = Somong sekali = arrogant

Songong = Arrogant

Sontoloyo = stupid, idiot

Sotosop = Photoshoped, A picture edited with Photoshop

Sotoy, Sok Tau = Smart Aleck, Mr.Know-it-All

Sumpeh Loe, Sumpeh lo, Sumpelo = Really?

Sutralah = Up to you, whatever


Tabok = Slap

Tae = Taek = Tai = Taik = shit

Takis = To take something

Tampol = slap

Tajeer = rich

Tajir = rich

Tau, Tahu = Know

Telmi, Telat Mikir = someone who is a little bit slow on the uptake

Temen = friend

Tempik = Vagina

Tetek = Boobs, breast

Titi DJ (originally from singer named Titi DJ/Titi Dwi Jayanti) = Be Careful

Titit = Penis

Tmn (from Teman) = friend

Toge = Toket gede = Big boobs

Tokai = Dirt, faeces

Toket = Boobs, breast

Tongpes (from “Kantong Kempes”)= broke

Toyor = push someone’s head

Tp (from tapi) = But

TTM, Teman Tapi Mesra, = Casual Sex Partner

Ttp (from tetap or tetep) = Still

Tumben = contrary to habit


Ucul = Funny

Udah = Already

Ughlala = Oh la la

Unyu = Cute

Upil = nasal mucus

Utk (usually used in sms/chat/other text form) = untuk = for, to

Uwel-uwel = make fun with hair, caress

Uyel-uyel = make fun with hair, caress


Vroh = bro= brother


WA = Watsap = waslap = WhatsApp mobile chat apps

Wakaka = wkwkwk = lol

Waslap = Napkin

Woles = Slow


xixixixi = lol


Yaelah = Ya ampun = for God sake

Yakeleus/yakeles (or keleus/keles) = really, please, of course, no wonder

Yawla = OMG!

Yey = You, Yours

Yg (abbreviation of Yang) = is, that is

Yoa = Yoi = Yup


1. Verb+in = verb + kan


Beliin = belikan = buy

Perhatiin = Perhatikan = take a look, give attention, watch