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Constellations of Words: Explore the Etymology and Symbolism of the Constellations

I first started drawing up astrological charts in 1973 and have continued doing so ever since. Things are a lot easier now thanks to computer software that can construct a chart and review transits almost instantly. I use a software program called Astrolog that is actually a Windows program but I have it running in OS X using Wine (Windows Emulation). Here's my chart in stark black and white:

I've been thinking lately about what I call the simplified chart. Compare the above chart with the one below:

The second chart contains no Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or North Node of Moon. All that is present are the signs and houses together with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. By focusing only on these astronomical bodies and their mirrored functions in the human psyche, I think it is easier to understand the forces at work in the personality. Looking at my own simplified chart, the triangle formed by the interaction between the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn stands out clearly. Apart from that, there is only a semi- square between the Moon and the Sun, a sextile between the Moon and Mercury, and sesquiquadrate between the Sun and Saturn.

Below show a chart drawn up for time of my DELC discovery. Transiting Jupiter is close to the eighth house of accident and illness, in semi-square (0˚45' applying) to transiting Saturn and sequiquadrate (1˚21' applying) to my natal Venus-Mars. Transiting Saturn is square (0˚36' applying) natal Venus-Mars and semi-sextile (0˚19' applying) natal Chiron.