'Thoroughbred lying and standing foal Bay'

no belly stamp yet, early release

bay, four socks


'Thoroughbred lying and standing foal Bay'

bay, hind socks

5700 bay thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


'Thoroughbred lying and standing foal Black'

from set with socked TB Lying Foal


5701 black thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


'Thoroughbred lying and standing foal Chestnut'


5702 chestnut thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


5702 Singles 1975-1976

'Thoroughbred lying and standing foal Chestnut'

chestnut, light variation


Stablemates & Stable Set

New from box with QH Stallion 1976-1978

dark bay

3085 stable set dark bay thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates lighter variation


Stablemates & Stable Set

New from box with Seabiscuit 1979-1980

dark liver chestnut, missing black paint on eyes

Five of my seven #3085 Standing Foals are bay, with black mane and tail, lacking the black on the legs (as bay foals in real life do too). The other two have this dark liver chestnut colour, but only the one above is missing the black paint entirely, including his eyes.


Special Run

red roan keychain

410697 breyerfest 1997 red roan thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates keychain


Horse & Foal Set

'Appaloosa Mare and Foal'

black blanket, translucent

59973 horse & foal set black blanket appaloosa thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


59973 1997-1999

Horse & Foal Set

'Appaloosa Mare and Foal'

black blanket, opaque


Horse & Foal Set

'Arabian Mare and Foal'

chestnut, translucent

59974 horse & foal set chestnut thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates translucent


59974 1997-1999

Horse & Foal Set

'Arabian Mare and Foal'

chestnut, opaque

59974 horse & foal set chestnut thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates opaque


red bay blanket

sears 1998 red bay blanket appaloosa thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


Stablemates Collection

[bay pinto standing foal]

bay pinto

5655 foal 6-pack 2000 only bay pinto thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


Stablemates Collection

[bay pinto standing foal]

bay pinto


Horspital Play Set


5309 horspital set black thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


Stablemates Collection

[brown dun standing foal]


5982 foal pack dun thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


Holiday Ornament Craft Kit


700202 holiday ornament craft kit 2002 unpainted thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates


Stablemates Vintage Club

'Licorice & Jellybean'

glossy charcoal



Hagen Renaker


rose grey

hagen renaker rose grey thoroughbred standing foal breyer stablemates