Marie Jennings

born 6th June 1918 - died 3rd January 2006 aged 87

I must pay tribute to Marie Jennings, she was a daughter of Bernard Schwarz (Son of Anton). She is the first person I am aware of who constructed a family tree and it was quite extensive. I used her research as the basis for my tree. When I first became interested in family history she generously shared everything she knew. I have copies of her original notes and I intend to make those notes available for everyone to see online. Without her it would have been very difficult to get started.

Marie may have seemed quite severe but in reality she was one of the nicest people you could ever meet. For a time she was the Senior female teacher at the St Richard Gwyn Roman Catholic High School in Flint which I attended from 1973 to 75. My wife, Anne-Maria, had known her much longer because she lived in Flint all her life until she went to University, she went to the St Richard Gwyn and saw Marie frequently. Although I had met Marie over the years I had seen very little of her up until 1973.

I attended Marie's Requiem mass on 14th January 2006, held at a very full St Winefride's Roman Catholic Church, Holywell, She was buried at Holywell Town Cemetery.

Marie was the holder of the Papal Medal 'Benemerenti' which is conferred on those who have exhibited long and exceptional service to the Roman Catholic Church, their families and community. She was not someone he went around 'blowing her own trumpet', she quietly got on with helping people and doing what needed to be done.

I hope to give a more complete life story in due course.