Leonard and his family are very interesting. Unlike the Holywell Schwarz's they moved about quite a bit, most of this branch of the family are now in the USA but there is a contingent living around Glasgow. Leonhard arrived in Holywell after Anton, the first record I have of him being in Holywell is in the 1871 census when he was recorded as living in Whitford Street with his two brothers. The next record I have of him is when he was involved in a shooting competition as a member of the Flintshire Volunteers in 1874. But by the 1881 census he is living and working in Glasgow.

Leonhard's Timeline

In addition to the above it is worth noting that on the 1891 census there is a note stating that Leonhard is a British subject, so it seems that at some point he has become a naturalised British citizen. I've looked long and hard but never found any physical evidence for this. His brother Anton became a British citizen in 1899 and I have copies of his naturalisation documents.

Leonhard became Leonard without the 'h' when he arrived in the UK. He appears in the 1871 census as Leonard and the h is never seen again. Anton also became Anthony in the 1871 census. I notice that Leonard was also known in the family as Leonard Henry but this was certainly not on his birth record.