Leonard's Children

Leonard had 6 children:

  • Marcella - 1868
  • Sophia - 1876
  • Edith - 1877
  • Katarina - 1879
  • Anthony - 25/07/1885
  • Henry Leonard - 1887

Marcella was born in Germany but all the other children were born in Glasgow. I'll cover each of them individually but I'll start with the youngest first. You'll see why.

In 1915 the two boys went to New York in the USA. They travelled on the SS Philadelphia from Liverpool on 8th December 1915 and arrived in New York on 16th December 1915. They were originally booked on the SS St Paul due to leave on 13th November 1915 but for some reason that did not happen. Maybe bad weather disrupted the schedules. They are clearly shown on the Ellis Island manifests. Their contact and destination was shown as a friend, Mr D Hogue of 464 Degraw Street, Brooklyn.

Anthony is described on the manifest as age 30, single, and an optician. Henry is described as age 28 and married, I cannot make out his occupation, he was an auctioneer's clerk when he married Sarah in Glasgow on 18th April 1914. Their next of kin is given as Mrs Schwarz of 9 Binnie Place, Glasgow. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ORIGINAL RECORD

On 3rd August 1916 Henry Leonard's wife, Sarah Brown, travelled on the SS Philadelphia from Liverpool to New York. She was no. 25 on the manifest and is shown as going to join her husband at 60, Wood Street, Waterbury, Connecticut. The manifest shows that she was 5' 6" with fair complexion, fair hair, and blue grey eyes. Her next of kin in the UK is shown as her mother, Mary Brown, of 376 Abercromby Street, Glasgow. She arrived in New York on 11th August 1916.