Coxton Yard

The powerful 4-8-4 Wyoming's were the largest steam engines on the Lehigh Valley.












Baldwin built switchers were very common on the Lehigh Valley. This is the east end of the yard.








Many large railroad yards are 24/7 operations and very dangerous places to work. Light towers are located throughout the yard for night operations.












A special scale track was used to weigh the many shipments of coal.












The sanding marks identify the location of small magnets used to uncouple cars. An article I wrote on this was published in the August 2008 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman (RMC).


This video shows how they can make switching much more realistic.





A car repair shop is located on the east end of the yard. Arc welding is usually visible at night.














Coxton Tower controls the turnouts to the branches coming into Coxton Yard.  The Austin Branch was frequently used by the New York, Ontario and Western (O&W) for interchange from New England with the Lehigh Valley.