Jun. 2024, edited "Feature Articles -Geoscience Researches Focusing on Aerosol Particles Depositing over the Ocean and Cryosphere-" in Earozoru Kenkyu (JAAST) w. Dr. Nishita-Hara at Keio University. Please access the website in J-stage, if you are interested (Link).
Aug. 2023, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Asian dust-deposition flux to the subarctic Pacific estimated using single quartz particles"). Press release from JAMSTEC.
Oct. 2023, A paper was accepted. ("Trace elements in PM2.5 aerosols in East Asian outflow in the spring of 2018: Emission, transport, and source apportionment").
Dec. 2023, An article regarding my recent research (only in Japanese) was released from HORIBA Ltd. ("未解明の微粒子 「エアロゾル」 ―大気モニタリングからその実態とメカニズム解明に挑む").
Jul. 2022, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Characteristics of atmospheric black carbon and other aerosol particles over the Arctic Ocean in early autumn 2016: Influence from biomass burning as assessed with observed microphysical properties and model simulations").
Jan. 2023, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Aerosol iron from metal production as a secondary source of bioaccessible iron").
Mar. 2023, A paper was accepted. ("Measurements of Aerosol Particle size distributions and INPs Over the Southern Ocean in the Late Austral Summer of 2017 on board the R/V Mirai: Importance of the marine boundary layer structure").
Jun. 2021, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("The Madden-Julian Oscillation Modulates the Air Quality of the Maritime Continent").
Jun. 2021, edited "Feature Articles -Impacts of Humanospheric Activity Changes on Atmospheric Aerosols in East Asia-" in Earozoru Kenkyu (JAAST) w. Dr. Ikemori at Nagoya City Institute for Environmental Sciences. Please access the website in J-stage, if you are interested (Link).
Jul. 2021, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Light-absorption properties of brown carbon aerosols in the Asian outflow: Implications of a combination of filter and ground remote-sensing observations at Fukue Island, Japan").
Sep. 2021, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Fluorescent biological aerosol particles over the central Pacific Ocean: covariation with ocean-surface biological activity indicators").
Nov. 2021, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Dominance of the residential sector in Chinese black carbon emissions as identified from downwind atmospheric observations during the COVID-19 Pandemic ").
Nov. 2021, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Dominance of the residential sector in Chinese black carbon emissions as identified from downwind atmospheric observations during the COVID-19 Pandemic"). Press release from JAMSTEC.
Feb. 2022, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Full latitudinal marine atmospheric measurements of iodine monoxide"). Press release from JAMSTEC
Apr. 2020, New research projects (funded by JSPS) were launched (see CV for details).
Apr. 2020, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Rapid reduction of black carbon emissions from China: evidence from 2009-2019 observations on Fukue Island, Japan ", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, press released)
Aug. 2020, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Mass concentration and origin of black carbon in spring snow on glaciers in the Alaska Range", Polar Science, Link)
Sep. 2020, became an editorial board member of "EAROZORU Kenkyu (JAAST journal)"(日本エアロゾル学会「エアロゾル研究」の編集委員に就任しました。)
Nov. 2020, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Effect of Model Resolution on Black Carbon Transport from East Asia to the Arctic Associated with the Well-developed Low-pressure Systems in September", Link, Brief explanation by the first author)
Feb.-Mar. 2021, works on-board JAMSTEC's R/V Mirai for investigating atmospheric aerosols in the MBL over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean (MR21-01).
Apr. 2019, My affiliation in JAMSTEC was changed into "Environmental Geochemical Cycle Research Group, Earth Surface System Research Center, Research Institute for Global Change" ("改組により、地球環境部門 地球表層システム研究センター 物質循環・人間圏研究グループ所属となりました。", LINK).
Jul. 2019, A paper was accepted. ("Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols in Asian outflow in the spring of 2015; importance of non-fossil fuel sources", Atmospheric Environment, LINK)
Jun. 2019, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("Ozone and carbon monoxide observations over open oceans on R/V Mirai from 67°S to 75°N during 2012 to 2017: testing global chemical reanalysis in terms of Arctic processes, low ozone levels at low latitudes, and pollution transport", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, LINK)
Aug. 2019, Personal web page was launched. (個人サイト作成しました。)
Aug. 2019, started new research collaboration with Japan Weather Association (日本気象協会との共同研究を開始しました。) for promoting the researches one UAV-borne measurements of meteorological parameters together with atmospheric compositions. This is partly supported by my JSPS Kakenhi project (grant number 18K11635, LINK).
Sep. 2019, got awarded for my research activities on carbonaceous aerosol characterizations by Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology ,"Young Researchers' Award" ("日本エアロゾル学会奨励賞"を受賞しました。). I appreciate all the researchers and staffs who were and are working with me. (News release from Research Group website.)
Oct. 2019, Press release from JAMSTEC on the new paper "Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols in Asian outflow in the spring of 2015; importance of non-fossil fuel sources" (プレスリリースが出ました。→LINK).
Nov. 2019, joined the section (aerosol) editorial board of "Atmosphere (MDPI)"(MDPI社Atmosphere誌の編集委員(エアロゾルセクション)になりました。)
Dec. 2019, performed the first trial of vertical-gradient observations of aerosols and meteorological parameters using two drones in Yokosuka within my JSPS Kakenhi project (grant number 18K11635, LINK)
Jan. 2020, A paper was accepted. ("Evaluation of Black Carbon Mass Concentrations Using a Miniaturized Aethalometer: Intercomparison with a Continuous Soot Monitoring System (COSMOS) and a Single-Particle Soot Photometer (SP2)", Aerosol Science and Technology, LINK)
Feb. 2020, A co-authored paper was accepted. ("FLEXPART v10.1 simulation of source contributions to Arctic black carbon", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, LINK)