Revolutionary War

Revolutionary War Pre Declaration of Independence: April 19, 1775 to July 4, 1776

Revolutionary War Timeline 1763 - 1783 - The stage for the Revolution was set at the Treaty of Paris, February 10, 1763, which ends Seven Year's War (French and Indian War) leaving Great Britain in debt, GB looks to the cononies for revenue.

The following link is for a timeline of all of the major events during the Revolutionary War. The timeline covers the major Battles and events pre-1776 including the major ones like the French and Indian War, the Stamp Act, the Boston Tea Party, and the signing of the Declaration of independence. The timeline also gives in depth information of events after the Declaration of Independence was signed because the war was still not over. Some of these major events included the Battle of Trenton, the crossing of the Delaware, the Battle of Saratoga and the Battle of Yorktown.

(Image from