Received a travel award funded by the Research Institute and the KUMC Faculty Assembly Research Committee, June 1, 2015.

ICIS Junior Faculty Consortium Attendee, International Conference on Information Systems, December 14, 2014, Auckland, New Zealand.

Master Trainer, Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) , National Implementation of TeamSTEPPS™ Training University of Washington, August 21-22, 2014, Seattle, WA.

Received a travel award funded by the Research Institute and the KUMC Faculty Assembly Research Committee, May 7, 2014

Received 2012 Best Student Paper Award, Southwest Decision Science Institute Forty Third Annual Conference, February 29 – March 3, New Orleans, LA.

Received Mary and Glennen Student Leadership Award, Emporia State University (2008)

Accepted to the International Business Society Beta Gamma Sigma (2008)

Accepted to be a Member, the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (2008)

Graduated from the GLOBE (Global Leadership Opportunities for Business Executives) program KS City Chamber’s World Trade Center Global Future Program (2007-2008)

Graduated Cum Laude from Emporia State University (2006)

Received a Project Management Leadership Award (designed Expert System), Emporia State University (2006 & 2008)

Received Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges (2006)

Accepted to the National Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society (2004)

Emporia State University, School of Business Dean’s list (2003-2006)

Received President Truman International Leadership Award (2003)