Wolf-Cougar Interactions

From July 24, 2014 to January 1, 2017, we have monitored 14 GPS collared cougars and 11 GPS collared wolves (4 packs, 1 single) using the Mt. Emily WMU. Through GPS collar data for both wolves and cougar and field investigation, we have documented 20 cases of wolf-cougar interactions (direct and indirect). The most common interaction we have documented is wolves at cougar caches or kills (70%). From cluster work (both wolf and cougar), we have identified 7 cases of wolves scavenging kills from cougar and 4 cases where wolves visited a cougar cache but scavenging could not be determined. We also identified 2 cases where cougar visited a wolf kill. Further, we have identified two cases where wolves chased cougars up trees, 3 cases of wolves chasing a collared cougar off a fresh kill, and one case of wolves killing young cougar kittens.

Last updated January 19, 2017