
This is the entrance of ANIMALIA:

This is what you see as you pass through the entrance:

Turning left will take you through Tiger Realm, whereas walking right will lead you to Kangaroo Walk.

Tiger Realm

This is Tiger Realm, an area of the zoo dedicated to our resident breeding pair of Bengal Tigers. Common Peafowl can also be found here. Asian foliage has been planted within this area:

This wooden structure is the indoor viewing area where visitors can view the tigers in their indoor exhibit. There is also an off-show holding area for the tigers:

Inside the indoor viewing area. Transparent glass roofing allows for natural light. A guardrail is used to prevent crowding around the large glass viewing windows:

Inside the exhibit are rocks and other natural objects for the tigers to interact with:

Common/Indian Peafowl to the left, Bengal Tiger outdoor exhibit to the right:

Outdoor Bengal Tiger exhibit:

The tigers are given easy access to both a shallow pool and a deep pool complete with flowing waterfall:

A sheltered viewing area allows visitors to view the tigers in shade:

The large glass viewing windows allow visitors to get much closer to the tigers and even interact with them. Pictured is Tahoma (M) roughly 5 years of age, obtained from Jacksonville Zoo, a zoo once operated by Weasel Parks and Entertainment:

The entire enclosure is densely planted with both native and exotic foliage. Logs are attached to the trunks of taller trees to prevent tigers from damaging them:

Keeper access:

Overview of Tiger Realm. The darker-roofed building is the tiger's off-show holding area:

Common Peafowl aviary: