

Here are some links you may find useful.

Planet Zoo

Zoo Tycoon 2

  • The ZT2 Round Table - One of the last remaining active Zoo Tycoon forums. It is host to lots of useful downloads and many friendly members.

  • Gaia - A Zoo Tycoon forum which is no longer active but remains an archive for lots of good downloads.

  • Zoo-Hispania - A Spanish Zoo Tycoon forum with lots of exclusive downloads. There is an international section for non-Spanish speakers. No longer active sadly.

  • Zeta-Designs - Lots of essential downloads can be found here, including lots of scenery packs and fences.

  • Aurora Designs - Some incredibly high quality animals can be found at this site, as well as the essential Radical Remake user expansion pack.

Useful for Zoo Building

  • ZooLex - Information and photographs on zoo exhibits from around the world can be found here. This is an excellent resource to use for exhibit ideas.

  • ZooChat - ZooChat boasts an extensive photo gallery packed to the brim with zoo photos from around the world. There's also an active forum. I have uploaded lots of my own zoo photographs here (click here to view them).

  • Zootierliste - This website is probably the most accurate free-to-use source for species listings for European zoological collections. It is a very handy tool when creating realistic European zoos.

  • Visual Maps - A company which creates park maps for many of the world's most-famous zoos. You can use this site to get ideas on layouts or maps for your Zoo Tycoon zoos.


  • Mr.Weasel's Zoos - This is my old website, where you can find some of my older zoos. It is no longer updated.

  • My YouTube channel - This is my current YouTube channel which features videos on both real-life and virtual zoos.

  • My Old YouTube channel - This is my YouTube channel, which features a few videos on my zoos and aquariums.


  • The UK Zoo Species Guide - The latest version of my illustrative guide of UK zoo species in Planet Zoo. This can be a useful resource when planning realistic British zoos.