
Welcome to Mr.Weasel's Zoo Tycoon 2 Zoos. Here you can find screenshots, news and information regarding all my creations on Zoo Tycoon 2.

If you're looking for my Planet Zoo creations, please visit Mr.Weasel's Zoos

Latest News


As of today, I'm dedicating this website exclusively to my Zoo Tycoon 2 creations. My Planet Zoo creations can be found on my new website, found here: https://www.mrweaselszoos.com/


I've started showing a new zoo over on the Frontier Developments forum. Wild Americas is a British zoo dedicated to the Americas.


I'm back! It took longer than expected but I've made my return to the "virtual zoo building scene" with the showcasing of a new zoo, named Monkey Land. Contrary to what I said in my last news update (below), I won't be re-launching myself under a new name or website. I hope you enjoy my new zoo!


This is just an update to all those who still visit this website from time to time.

As you can probably tell, I've been absent from the Zoo Tycoon community for a few years now. I basically dedicated my time to other hobbies but, with the release of Planet Zoo, I'm happy to announce that I'm back although my days of playing Zoo Tycoon 2 are probably over.

I aim to relaunch myself under a new name and website in the near future, so please watch this space.

As a side-note: This website had to be converted to the latest version of Google Sites. The conversion tool doesn't convert absolutely everything seamlessly, so you may notice a few things misplaced or broken. I've fixed most issues but if there's any more, please let me know and I'll do my best to get them fixed.