

I know this is very late but I hope you all had a Happy New Year and a very merry Christmas!

I thought I'd update you on what I've been up to lately, since I haven't updated this site in over a year!

I'm in my last year of university, so naturally, I haven't had a lot of time to play Zoo Tycoon. I think I last touched the game around six months ago! I will never leave Zoo Tycoon for good though, so you can expect more zoos from me once I (hopefully) graduate in the summer. :)

As always, if you need to contact me in the meantime, you can do so using the details mentioned in the footer (though the email address isn't monitored very frequently; you'd probably be better off PMing me at Gaia or The ZT2 Round Table)


The first official update has been posted for Shepley Hall Wildlife Gardens on The ZT2 Round Table. I hope you all enjoy! More information and a more detailed show and tell will be arriving on this site very soon - watch this space!


A new zoo has been revealed and teasers have already been posted on The ZT2 Round Table. I hope you enjoy Shepley Hall Wildlife Gardens!


The next update for Tropical Oasis has finally been posted at Gaia and The ZT2 Round Table. Hope you enjoy!


After a lengthy hiatus (mainly due to University), I have finally returned to working on Tropical Oasis. You can expect some new updates this week!


The first official update has been posted for Shepley Hall Wildlife Gardens on The ZT2 Round Table. I hope you all enjoy! More information and a more detailed show and tell will be arriving on this site very soon - watch this space!


A new zoo has been revealed and teasers have already been posted on The ZT2 Round Table. I hope you enjoy Shepley Hall Wildlife Gardens!


The next update for Tropical Oasis has finally been posted at Gaia and The ZT2 Round Table. Hope you enjoy!


After a lengthy hiatus (mainly due to University), I have finally returned to working on Tropical Oasis. You can expect some new updates this week!


After nine months in the making, the first update for Tropical Oasis has finally been revealed! 


A new park has been unveiled - Tropical Oasis! I will begin showing screens of it sometime this month. I wish everyone a Happy New Year too! 

WaterWorld is still being worked on and I aim to show the last remaining screenshots by the end of next month (or perhaps sooner).


WaterWorld's Freshwater Aquarium has been unveiled!


Weasel Parks and Entertainment has today announced its plans to build an aquarium in Japan. More details will follow in the coming weeks!


After nine months in the making, the first update for Tropical Oasis has finally been revealed! 


A new park has been unveiled - Tropical Oasis! I will begin showing screens of it sometime this month. I wish everyone a Happy New Year too! 

WaterWorld is still being worked on and I aim to show the last remaining screenshots by the end of next month (or perhaps sooner).


WaterWorld's Freshwater Aquarium has been unveiled!


Weasel Parks and Entertainment has today announced its plans to build an aquarium in Japan. More details will follow in the coming weeks!


I have been busy around the site doing some tidying up. I have posted the last few pages of Birstall Zoo Gardens, and I have also introduced a guest book to my Contact Me page.


There have been lots of updates around the site. I have introduced a new banner and added a new category to the sidebar. Perhaps the most important announcement today, however, is the official revealing of Worlds of Discovery. Worlds of Discovery is the name of the complex WaterWorld and its two sister parks belong to.


I have begun posting screenshots of WaterWorld on this site, and I have also included a detailed commentary. I have also made some slight adjustments to the site's layout, including some modifications to the site's width.


WaterWorld has been revealed at Gaia! I will eventually get round to uploading screenshots to this site, but in the mean time, you'll have to enjoy the park over at Gaia. ;)


I have revealed yet another zoo is in the works this month (Plymouth Zoo) but I won't be revealing any more of it until I've finished showcasing Birstall Zoo Gardens! All I can say is Plymouth Zoo is a coastal zoo and is lightly based on Blackpool Zoo in England. It will feature seals (I'm hoping DinosaurMan will release his remade Harbour Seal soon!) and Rockhopper Penguins (once RR:MM is released. DinosaurMan sent me it early to test and I have been amazed by it)


A new zoo is revealed!


A new tutorial has been added to the tutorial section!


After a very long break, I have decided to reveal one of my latest zoos. You can find screenshots and updates relating to it at Tesara, Northern Skies and very soon, here.