11. Radical Unit

_____ 1. Finding perfect squares and cubes  (This is the same video as #2)

_____ 2. Rational vs. Irrational # (Skip to minute 4 in the video.)

            ____ a. Decimals to fractions (Use a calculator.)

_____ 3. Approx. square roots and put on # line (This is the same video as #1)

_____ 4. Simplify Radicals

_____ 5. Add/Subtract Radicals

_____ 6. Multiply/Divide

_____ 7. Pythagorean Theorem

_____ 8. Distance Formula

_____ 9. Prove triangle and rectangle on plane

_____ 10. Use coordinates to get perimeters

_____ 11. Use coordinates to get area of  triangles and rectangles


Rational numbers can be made into a fraction.  Ex.  7.56 or .33333...

Irrational numbers can NOT be made into a fraction.  Ex.   pi or not perfect squares.