Water Test

Go to this link and complete the Pretest. Remember a pretest is trying to test how much you already know so write an educated guess but don't leave it blank or stress out about not knowing the correct answer. Do your best!

Once on the http://ibis.colostate.edu/MSP/Taken/ExamTaken_Enter.php website listed above you will answer the first page of questions that has drop down menus. It should look like this image below (except put in your correct class and name for you). The passcode for 8A is 1291 and the passcode for 8B is 1292

Click start exam.

Then click accept.

Then click on start exam.

Answer questions and click on save and continue after you finish each page. There are about 4 pages of questions. If you do not finish in class please continue at home. This is due Monday.