
For the Ecology Project 2012 you will do the following:

1. Build a healthy ecosystem in a jar that will support a cherry shrimp.

2. Sign up for a Google sites account. Video here.

3. Create a website starting with my template called "ecoprojtemplate2012"

4. Learn how to use the microscope to discover organisms living in your ecosystem.

5. Research those organisms to find out their scientific name, size, and how they get their energy and nutrients.

6. Research to find out which organisms get their energy and nutrients from those you identified.

7. Build a vocabulary page on the website that explains, in your own words, the meaning of words used in your descriptions of your organisms.

8. Add an image to each organism's page to help identify them.

9. Make links between organisms when you find out their relationship to each other. eg. symbiosis, predator-prey, decomposer, etc.

Student websites:

Natalie A.

Alexander (AJ) A.

Kayla M.

Michael M.

Dustin Q.

Daniel G.

Natalia J.

Danee H.

Keith W.

Micaela H.

Isaac H.

Eva V.