English 10/ Summer School at PSLA

Periods 1 & 2

My e-mail: jbenedetto@scsd.us

Monday: Good morning and welcome to your last day of class!

8/15: Word of the Day:

Dilatory means "tending or intended to cause delay." It can also mean "tending to procrastinate or be late."

Example: The councilor's seemingly endless motions to adjourn were clearly dilatory.

Dear Students, It has been an absolute pleasure being your English teacher this summer! Keep reading and writing! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your creative writing entries and getting to know all of you this summer! Wishing you a fun and safe rest of the summer :) You know how to contact me if you'd like to keep in touch! jbenedetto@scsd.us Good luck to you always!

Lastly, I will take late work until tomorrow night!

Thursday: Good Morning!

8/11: Word of the Day:

Alleviate means "to make something less painful, difficult, or severe" or "to partially remove or correct.

Example: Mom's suggestions for ways to alleviate some of my cold symptoms included her special tea and plenty of sleep.

Creative Writing (and then make- up work if you have make-up work!)

Literary Terms Test (if you have not taken it yet)

Independent Reading Projects are due! I'll still take them on Monday and that's the last day. Grades will be due!

Wishing you a fabulous weekend! :)

Wednesday: Welcome to Class!

8/10: Word of the Day:

Schmooze- To chat in a friendly and persuasive manner especially to gain favor, business, or connections.

Example: The event gives an opportunity for local business owners to network and schmooze.

Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/213006639/mrs-benedettos-literary-elements-techniques-review-argumentative-writing-terms-also-for-part-2-of-the-ela-regents-flash-cards/

Creative Writing (and then make- up work if you have make-up work)

Literary Terms Test (if you have not taken it yet)

Independent Reading Projects are due this Thursday!

Wishing you a terrific day! :)

Tuesday: Good Morning!

8/9: Word of the Day:

Heartstring - To refer to someone's deepest emotions or affections.

Example: The movie's emotional ending really pulls at your heartstrings.

Literary Terms Test!

Make- up work!

Independent Reading Projects are due this Thursday!

Wishing you a wonderful day! :)

Monday: Welcome to Class!

8/8: Word of the Day:

Crepuscular means "of, relating to, or resembling twilight." It is also used in zoological contexts to describe creatures that are active during twilight, or to the activities of such creatures.

Example: As evening came on, fireflies began to appear in the crepuscular gloaming.

Period 1: Due to the leak in our room, the quiz will be tomorrow Period 2: We will decide as a group

Creative Writing (20-25 minutes)

Read your independent reading book (25 minutes) and complete a reading log (reading logs if you owe some)

Work on your independent reading projects. Projects are due THIS THURSDAY!


Wishing you a wonderful day! :)

Thursday: Good morning!

8/4: Word of the Day:

Brackish - Somewhat salty, and most often describes water or bodies of water, such as rivers and lakes.

Example: The mangrove swamp is home to many species of plants and animals that thrive in brackish water.

Creative Writing

The quiz has been moved to Monday! Literary Terms Activity (annotate song lyrics with literary terms)

Practice Quiz on Quizlet. One with notes and one without (both worth credit): https://quizlet.com/213006639/mrs-benedettos-literary-elements-techniques-review-argumentative-writing-terms-also-for-part-2-of-the-ela-regents-flash-cards

Independent Reading and reading log. Work on projects. Completed projects and 4 pages of your best reading logs are due next Thursday by the end of class.

Wishing you a fantastic weekend! :)

Wednesday: Welcome to Class! I'm sorry, but I'm out today. Please continue to be your awesome and hard working selves :)

8/3: Word of the Day (to be written in student's notebooks):

Perfunctory: 1: characterized by routine or superficiality : MECHANICAL 2: lacking in interest or enthusiasm

Example: Clearly exhausted after a long day on her feet, our server gave us only a perfunctory greeting before taking our drink orders.

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/word-of-the-day/perfunctory-2022-06-03

Next: Creative Writing (20 -25 minutes). This also goes into student's notebooks.

Independent Reading (20-25 minutes) and complete a reading log (5 - 7 minutes) (books are in bins near the classroom door and labeled by class period)

Literary elements & techniques review for quiz tomorrow on the library computers at the following link (take a practice quiz and play the review games (30 -40 minutes):


Then, locate your favorite song lyrics or poem and print a copy for tomorrow's activity.

IF you finish everything, you may work on make-up work, read more of your book, or work on your independent reading projects. There is always work to be done!

Wishing you wonderful rest of the day! :)

Tuesday: Good morning!

8/2: Word of the Day:

Nebulous is often used as a synonym of indistinct or vague (unclear), but can also be used to refer to something that is related to or that resembles a nebula (a galaxy).

Example: Joe's description of the film was so nebulous that I’m still not quite sure what it is about.

Creative Writing

Review for literary elements and techniques quiz on Thursday. Then, locate your favorite song at the library and print a copy. Label with literary temrs as you would with annotating codes.

Independent Reading with reading log.

Mini- conferences on your final projects IF we did not have one yesterday.

Have a wonderful day! :)

Monday: Welcome to August and Welcome Back!

8/1: Word of the Day:

Frolic - To play and run about happily.

Example: One of the highlights of spring on the farm is watching newborn lambs frolic in the meadow.

Creative Writing

Literary elements & techniques review for quiz on Thursday:


Go to Kahoot.it

Mini-conferences on your independent reading project

Independent Reading with reading log

Have a marvelous day and stay cool!

Thursday: Good morning!

7/28: Word of the Day:

Ostentatious- Attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy. Things that are ostentatious tend to stand out as overly elaborate or conspicuous (obvious).

Example: His ostentatious displays of knowledge were often less than charming.

Creative Writing

Finish the movie

Figurative Language/Short Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzKj-bLvrYQ and then poetry activity (annotating and short writing activity)

Independent reading with reading log. I'll show you your grades during this time.

Here's the link to our literary terms & techniques for your note taking activity: https://quizlet.com/213006639/mrs-benedettos-literary-elements-techniques-review-argumentative-writing-terms-also-for-part-2-of-the-ela-regents-flash-cards/

Have a safe and marvelous weekend! :)

Wednesday: Welcome to class!

7/27: Word of the Day

Conscientious- Describes those who are concerned with doing things correctly. It can be used as a synonym for both meticulous and careful.

Example: Although Marvin was brilliant, he was not a very conscientious student, and he frequently lost points for forgetting to turn in his homework.

Creative Writing

Finish the movie OR independent reading with reading log. Turn in your work before you leave, please.

IF there's time... Figurative Language/Short Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzKj-bLvrYQ and then poetry activity (annotating and short writing activity)

Have a wonderful rest of the day! :)

Tuesday: Good morning!

7/26: Word of the Day:

Luddite- Someone who is resists or opposes change, and especially to technological change.

Example: Call me a luddite, but I enjoy the sense of privacy that comes with not owning a smartphone.

Creative Writing

Finish the movie OR independent reading with reading log. Turn in your work before you leave, please.

Have an enjoyable rest of the day! :)

Monday: Welcome to class! We are half way through summer school. Three weeks to go!

7/25: Word of the Day!

Extradite: To extradite someone who has been accused of a crime is to send that person to the state or country that has jurisdiction to try them for that crime.

Example: The U.S. has rejected the country's request to extradite the journalist because of concerns that she will be subjected to an unfair trial there.

NEXT: Creative Writing and then finish the packet on Althea Gibson and Barbara Gordon if you still need to do so. If you are finished, I have another annotating activity for you.

Finish the movie, do make-up work work, OR independent reading with reading log. Turn in your work before you leave, please.

Have a fantastic rest of your day! :)

Thursday: Good Morning!

7/21: Word of the Day!

Sanction- "To give effective or authoritative approval or consent to" and "to impose a penalty or economically or militarily coercive measures."

Example: Because he was using equipment that was not sanctioned by league officials, Jai was disqualified from the competition.

Creative Writing!

Next: Finish reading, annotating, and answering questions in the packet on Althea Gibson and Barbara Gordon.

Independent Reading with Reading Log & Conferences

Wishing you a marvelous weekend!

Wednesday: Welcome to Class and Good Morning!

7/20: Word of the Day #10:

Waggish -Resembling or a characteristic of a "wag”—a wag being a clever person who is prone to joking—and is also a synonym of humorous.

Example: With a wink and a waggish grin she emptied the sugar bowl and refilled it with salt.

Creative Writing and reading # 10, annotating activities (please see packet)

Review Library Expectations/ Routines. Then, Make- up work and Independent Reading with a completed Reading Log (# 10). Lastly, your Literary Elements & Techniques Notes are due today if you have not done them. We are having a quiz next week!

Wishing you an enjoyable rest of the day! Stay cool and drink lots of water! High of 95 today! ;)

Tuesday, 7/19: Good Morning!

Word of the Day # 9:

Finicky - Very particular in tastes or standards.

Example: The young boy was a finicky eater, and his parents found it challenging to come up with ideas for healthy meals that he would enjoy.

Next, please finish your "How Do I Love Thee? Assignment (3 annotations and one question with textual evidence)

Creative Writing Entry # 9

Work on the packet: Althea Gibson and Barbara Jordan Assignment (A copy of the packet is at the bottom of this page and you may e-mail if you need a copy)

Independent Reading and Reading Log #9/ Conferences in the Library

Wishing you an enjoyable rest of the day! :)

Monday, 7/18: Good morning! Welcome Back! (WEEK 3 of SUMMER SCHOOL)

Word of the Day:

Debunk- To debunk something, such as a story, theory, or idea, is to show or expose the falseness of it.

Example: The article thoroughly debunks the notion that life exists on Mars.

Review the Independent Reading Project as a whole group.

Review the Literary Elements & Techniques Notes on Quizlet.

Make - up work - quick chat!

Creative Writing!

Annotate today's article THREE times and answer the question that asks you to provide textual evidence at the bottom.

Independent Reading and reading log.

Wishing you a wonderful rest of he day! :)

7/14: Welcome to Class! This is our Friday!

Word of the Day:

Validate - To “recognize, establish, or illustrate” its worthiness or legitimacy.

Example: He validated his daughter’s safety concerns by covering her head to toe with protective padding for her bicycle riding lessons.

Conferences. While I'm holding conferences, please continue to work on today's assignments and any work you owe. Thank you.

Creative Writing. Today is Entry # 7! Please write one full page or whatever the prompt asks you to do. Do not select a topic that you feel you can't write a whole page about as there are 101 topics to choose from!).

Read and Annotate Article # 4. Please make- up any of the three we've done this week if you owe work.

Take your Literary Elements & Techniques Notes that are on Quizlet in your notebooks. Here's the link if you need it: https://quizlet.com/213006639/mrs-benedettos-literary-elements-techniques-review-argumentative-writing-terms-also-for-part-2-of-the-ela-regents-flash-cards/

LIBRARY. Read independently from your summer reading book for 20 - 25 minutes and complete a reading log. Each entry must be four sentences. If you owe reading logs, they are due today. You should have a total of SEVEN by the time you leave today.

Wishing you a safe and wonderful weekend! :)

7/13: Good morning!

Reminder: If you miss a class or get behind on your work, it is your responsibility to check this website and make up the work.

Word of the Day:

Eccentric - (of a person or their behavior) unconventional and slightly strange.

Example: Down the road from us lives an eccentric old man who claims that he can communicate with the birds that roost in his yard.

Next: Creative Writing/ Today is Entry #6! Please write one full page or whatever the prompt asks you to do. Do not select a topic that you feel you can't write a whole page about as there are 101 topics to choose from!). You may switch it up today and start with your reading and do your wriitng in the library. It's up to you. Just make sure you do the work. Thank you!

Activity 3: Please Read and Annotate Article # 3 and answer the questions underneath the article.

Next: Review the Independent Reading Project to make sure we are all on the same page.

Library Time!: 1. Read and complete a reading log of four sentences (5 should be done already if you started last Tuesday, which means today would be #6) 2. Study your literary elements and techniques by playing the review games on Quizlet and finish your LITERARY ELEMENTS & TECHNIQUES notes if you have not done so yet. Here's the link: https://quizlet.com/213006639/mrs-benedettos-literary-elements-techniques-review-argumentative-writing-terms-also-for-part-2-of-the-ela-regents-flash-cards/

Have a fantastic rest of your day! :)

7/12: Welcome to class!

Word of the Day:

Malarkey - Meaningless talk; nonsense:

Example: Everyone knew that her opinion was complete malarkey since she could not support it with any evidence whatsoever.

Creative Writing (one page or whatever the prompt asks you to do). Today is Entry #5!

Annotate article # 2, Helen Keller's My Life with THREE annotations and answer the question at the bottom of the reading. ***** Reminder: Annotating is a three step process! 1. Underline the text 2. Code it 3. Explain.

Review Literary Elements & Techniques on Quizlet/ Take notes if you have not done so yet (write the word and it's definition for ALL of the terms in your notebooks). Please and thank you. The notes are at the following link:


Independent Reading (20 minutes) and reading log (5-8 minutes)

Wishing you a wonderful rest of the day!

7/11: Good morning and Welcome! (SECOND WEEK OF SUMMER SCHOOL)

Word of the Day:

Carp- To complain in an annoying way, and often suggests that such complaining is habitual.

Example: He carps too much about the umpire’s bad calls when he should be focused on improving his swing.

Annotating activity with article: African American Inventors/ Patricia Bath. You will annotate (review codes/ annotate article #1 with THREE annotations & answer questions).

Creative writing (one full page minimum)

Independent reading (20 minutes) and reading log (5- 8 minutes)

Closing. Have a nice day!

Thursday, July 7th

Good Morning! Were you able to access our classroom website? From now on, please Google "Mrs. Benedetto's Website." The link is under construction at the moment.

Word of the Day: Credible - believable; reliable

Example: When doing research, you must always make sure your resources are credible.

Creative Writing/ Entry 2 (20 -25 minutes)

What words come to your mind when I say "literary terms"?

Have you used Quizlet before? Note taking activity (in notebook) at this link: https://quizlet.com/213006639/mrs-benedettos-literary-elements-techniques-review-argumentative-writing-terms-also-for-part-2-of-the-ela-regents-flash-cards/

Independent Reading (20 minutes) and complete a reading log (4 sentences). You need three reading log entries for the week. If you do a fourth, it will be worth extra credit.

Grades earned for the week:

Student questionnaire/ Interest survey

2 creative writing entries

3 reading logs for your independent reading (you had a total of 60 minutes to read from your book this week)

3 Words of the Day

Participation & attendance

Period 2: You also started your Literary Elements & Technique notes.

Terrific job this week!

Have a nice weekend! See you on Monday :) One week down and five to go!

Wednesday, July 6th

Welcome to class!

Word of the Day (please write the word, the definition, and the example sentence):

Accommodate: To make room for

Example: The house accommodates up to six people.

  • Chief Ortiz will be in today and you will be completing a 40 minute survey. You will earn participation credit for participating, Thank you!

  • Review grading policy and cell phones

  • Next, review creative writing packet. Then, select a topic and write your first entry of 1 to 1.5 pages (20 - 25 minutes). Period 1: Complete a reading log from yesterday when you finish.

  • If there's time, review annotating codes. The, read a short article and annotate the article.

  • Review Independent Reading Project. Go to library and read for 20 minutes. Then, complete a reading log (second reading log) and turn in to be graded.

  • If you finish early at any point, please select more creative writing or work on your independent reading. I also always have work to choose from.

  • Closing /Wishing you a wonderful rest of the day! :)

Tuesday, July 5th:

Welcome to the first week of summer school!

  • Introduction to the curriculum for the summer and what our daily agenda will look like each day

  • Complete an interest survey and make name plates

  • Review our major project for the summer/ Independent Reading

  • Review where folders, notebooks, and books will be located and what to do each morning when you enter the classroom

  • Word of the Day (please write the word ,what it means, and the example sentence/25pts total):

  • 1. Modus Vivendi (Mo-duss-vih-VEN-dee): A lifestyle; a way of living.

2. Example: While most envied his rich and seemingly carefree existence, Glen often found his extravagant MODUS VIVENDI rather empty and lonely.

  • Go to the library, select a book, read, and complete a reading log. If we run out of time, you may complete the reading log tomorrow after our Word of the Day.

  • Period 2: Write letter (draft).

  • Last five minutes of class: Pick up your work space and put everything away, please. Thank you and have a nice day :)

Independent Reading Project Check List.docx
100 Writing Prompts.docx
Reading Log.docx
Independent Reading Project Choices.doc
English 10 Independent Reading Requirements for MAJOR PROJECT.docx
ELA Assignment - 2 Articles and Text Questions.docx