9: Public Policy

Crash Course: Social Policy


Colbert Report: Taxes on the wealthy: "class warfare"

Colbert Report: Broadening the tax base - people who don't pay federal income tax

Colbert Report: "trickle down" economic theory

Daily Show: Ratings Agencies - financial reform

Fiscal Policy Rap: Keynes vs. Hayek

Fiscal Policy Rap: Keynes vs. Hayek (Round 2)

Daily Show: Tax Reform     part 2    part 3

Colbert Report: Anniversary of Financial Collapse, Economic and Social Welfare Policy     part 2

Colbert Report: Economic Troubles

Daily Show: Food Stamps     part 2

Daily Show - Third World Health Care - Knoxville, Tennessee

Daily Show - Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell on the Death Tax (Estate Tax)

The Daily Show explains the United Nations

John Oliver: Municipal Violations

John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

John Oliver: Nuclear Weapons

John Oliver: Prescription Drugs: Marketing to Doctors

John Oliver: Infrastructure

John Oliver: U.S. Territories

John Oliver: Drones

John Oliver: Prison

John Oliver: Civil Asset Forfeiture

John Oliver: Mandatory Minimums

Economic and Tax Policy

Explanation of Keynesianism

Bill Moyers: Former Reagan administration official Bruce Bartlett discusses tax misconceptions

Bill Moyers: Winner-Take-All Politics and the Winner-Take-All Economy

Bill Moyers: Richard Wolff on economic inequality and wages     part 2

Bill Moyers: Susan Crawford on the digital divide and slow/inefficient US internet

Bill Moyers: Yves Smith and Dean Baker on the Secretive TransPacific Partnership and Economic Policy

Bill Moyers: Net Neutrality

Bill Moyers: Paul Krugman on Economic Inequality

Article: Workers not gaining from increases in productivity

Article: Data on the stagnation of the middle class

Article: More interesting economic data

Article on wealth distribution and race

More on racial economic differences

Fifty years after March on Washington, economic gap between blacks, whites persists

The typical household, now worth a third less

Rolling Stone on corporate tax avoidance

The American middle class is no longer the world's richest

Kristof: It's Now the Canadian Dream (lots of interesting international comparison)

Burger King pays living wages...in Denmark

How a Worker-Owned Business Model in Spain Is Keeping Inequality in Check

There’s a Reason Doing Taxes Sucks So Much

The death spiral of an American family   (archive)

Social Welfare Policy

Richard Wilkinson on how economic inequality affects nearly all social problems     His website

Explanation of Social Security (Khan Academy)

Article about welfare reform, TANF

Article: Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It

Article about the large increase in disability

How Other Nations Pay for Child Care. The U.S. Is an Outlier.

Low Literacy Levels Among U.S. Adults Could Be Costing The Economy $2.2 Trillion A Year   (archive)

UN study on international maternity and paternity policy   (full study)

Article: SAT scores highly correlated with parental income

Article: Income Inequality is Costing the U.S. on Social Issues

How Homeownership Became the Engine of American Inequality

C-SPAN: The Future of Social Security Lesson

C-SPAN: The History of Federal Entitlement Programs in the U.S. Lesson

Healthcare Policy

Health Debate from 1971

Frontline: Sick Around the World

Time article "Bitter Pill" about health care costs      More on health care costs

Study finds UK healthcare system best, US worst   (full study)

Article: Young adults skip health care as medical debts rise

Take the Generic, Patients Are Told. Until They Are Not.

Sky-High Deductibles Broke the U.S. Health Insurance System

Intelligence Squared: Medicare for All Debate

100 Million People in America Are Saddled With Health Care Debt

A Huge Threat to the U.S. Budget Has Receded. And No One Is Sure Why.

Criminal Justice

Map: Worldwide Use of the Death Penalty

Article about famous prison in Norway

Interesting graphic on international police shootings - features Stockton

How America executes its prisoners

Sentenced to Life as Boys, They Made Their Case for Release

National Security Policy

Graphic of Worldwide Nuclear Arsenals    more

National Security Agency Spying Article

Glenn Greenwald on secrecy, transparency and the war on terrorism

Bill Moyers: Nick Turse on the Vietnam War

Time Lapse of Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

Politico: America's 25 Most Awkward Allies      (in depth articles)

Banned By 119 Countries, U.S. Cluster Bombs Continue to Orphan Yemeni Children

Intervention in civil wars ‘far more likely in oil-rich nations’ 

US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World’s Dictatorships

The Tricontinental: Defending Our Sovereignty: US Military Bases in Africa and the Future of African Unity

How the Pentagon Uses a Secretive Program to Wage Proxy Wars  (archive)

Congressional Research Service: Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022  (updated version?)

The Unseen Scars of Those Who Kill Via Remote Control

The U.S. drops an average of 46 bombs a day: Why should the world see us as a force for peace?

After a Year of Biden, Why Do We Still Have Trump’s Foreign Policy?

Environmental Policy

EPA finds 55 percent of rivers and streams in US in poor condition

Obama administration moves ahead with sweeping rules requiring cleaner gasoline

Perfect Nails, Poisoned Workers

Cost Of College Degree In U.S. Has Increased 1,120 Percent In 35 Years   (another article on topic)

Bill Moyers: How Money Rules Washington

Ch 13, 16-18 Kahoot Review Game