3: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Online Lessons

UC Open Access - Incorporation (32)

UC Open Access - The Establishment Clause (33)

UC Open Access - The Free Exercise Clause (34)

UC Open Access - Freedom of Speech (35)

UC Open Access - Freedom of the Press (36)

UC Open Access - The Fourth Amendment (37)

UC Open Access - Due Process and Criminal Rights (38)

UC Open Access - Civil War Amendments and the Civil Rights Movement (39)


The Daily Show: Correspondents Explain the 1st Amendment

The Daily Show: Correspondents Explain the 2nd Amendment

The Daily Show: Correspondents Explain the 6th Amendment

The Daily Show: Judicial Review (Marbury V. Madison) and rights of police to strip search

The Daily Show: Tom Goldstein (SCOTUS Blog) on civil liberties, judicial review   part 2

Stephen Colbert: Obama administration's interpretation of due process in the War on Terrorism

The Daily Show: Voting Rights Act

The Daily Show: Stop and Frisk     part 2

The Daily Show: Race Relations in America

The Daily Show: Mississippi ratifies the 13th Amendment banning slavery... in 2013   (2)

Civil Rights

Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Case for Reparations      (the author on Colbert Report)

Article about the segregation of America's schools

Why America's Schools Have A Money Problem

Article about segregated proms in 2013

Employers' Replies to Racial Names  (2)

Black Man and White Felon - Same Chances for Hire  (2)

Article on wealth distribution and race

More on racial economic differences

Fifty years after March on Washington, economic gap between blacks, whites persists

Views on Interracial Marriage in Mississippi    (2)   (3)

Mississippi ratifies the 13th Amendment banning slavery... in 2013

Southern Poverty Law Center

The case against equality of opportunity

Article about women in the Senate

State by state timeline of women's suffrage

MLK - Letter From Birmingham Jail

Affirmative Action

New York Times article about the new post-race affirmative action in CA public universities - focuses on a former student of mine

Economist article on Asian-American disadvantage, possibly due to affirmative action

The Rise and Fall of Affirmative Action

SCOTUSblog: Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action programs in college admissions

Civil Liberties

Glenn Greenwald: Excellent author on civil liberties with regard to executive power and national security

Are justices biased when they interpret the Constitution?

Article about the recent history of free speech cases

Glenn Greenwald on secrecy, transparency and the war on terrorism


American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Supreme Court Ruling - Snyder v. Phelps (Westboro Baptist Church)

BBC documentary about the Westboro Baptist Church

The US inmates charged per night in jail