5: The World of Politics

Online Lessons

UC Open Access - Political Parties (9)

UC Open Access - Party Function and Structure (10)

UC Open Access - Party Identification (11)

UC Open Access - Voting Behavior and Intensity (12)

UC Open Access - Financial Participation in Elections (13)

UC Open Access - Congressional Elections (14)

UC Open Access - Presidential Elections (15)

The Primary and Caucus System (Khan Academy)

Explanation of the Electoral College (Khan Academy)

More Explanation of the Electoral College

Some Critiques of the Electoral College

Explanation of the Problems of a Winner Take All Electoral System and the Spoiler Effect

Explanation of our system of presidential elections

Explanation of Instant Runoff Voting

Lawrence Lessig TED Talk on Campaign Finance

Political Ideology Quizzes

The Political Compass - http://www.politicalcompass.org/test

Political Philosophy Quiz - http://politicalquiz.net/

Political Typology Test - http://typology.people-press.org/typology/

World's Smallest Political Quiz - http://www.theadvocates.org/quizp/index.html

Isidewith.com - Answer questions to get matched with a 2016 Presidential candidate

Political Parties

Republican Party     platform

Democratic Party    platform

Green Party              platform

Libertarian Party    platform

Peace and Freedom Party       platform

American Independent Party     platform

Constitution Party       platform

Reform Party       platform

Socialist Party USA     platform

Communist Party USA      platform

Excellent article on campaign finance and free speech issues

Article about direct democracy in California

The American people are far less divided on major issues than Congress is

America is no model state: U.S. elections rank worst among Western democracies

Critique of California's new primary system

‘Taking the Voters Out of the Equation’: How the Parties Are Killing Competition

Yes, the campaign is underway — but way too soon

Article on Political Polarization

Democrats can’t win until they recognize how bad Obama’s financial policies were

Article about ranked choice voting and the spoiler effect

The Center for Responsive Politics - Tracks money in politics

Common Cause - Public interest group devoted to cleaning up elections 

Graphic showing how corrupt Americans think various institutions are

Trevor Potter and Bill Moyers on the massive changes to campaign finance rules since Citizens United.

Article about pay for access to politicians

Article explaining polling

National Popular Vote - Reform of Electoral College

Interests Groups: Article about pharmaceutical companies relationship to the meth trade

The Worst People Run for Office. It’s Time for a Better Way.

Kahoot - Ch 8-10 Review Game

Kahoot - Ch 9-10 Review Game


Daily Show: frontloading makes some votes matter more than others

The Daily Show: the Electoral College and "swing states"

The Daily Show: Superdelegates

Stephen Colbert's take on the winner take all feature of the Electoral College

The Daily Show: Direct democracy in California

Daily Show: Iron Triangle: Simplot and the Two Headed Fish

Stephen Colbert on how partisanship can alter our thinking and lead to gridlock

Daily Show: Campaign Finance: McCutcheon Decision     part 2

Colbert Report: Campaign Finance: McCutcheon Decision     part 2

John Oliver: Voting Rights in the U.S. Territories