6: Institutions of Government: Congress

Online Lessons

UC Open Access - Structure of the House of Representatives (16)

UC Open Access - Structure of the Senate (17)

UC Open Access - Passage of a Bill (18)

Crash Course: Congress

Crash Course: The Bicameral Congress

Crash Course: How a Bill Becomes a Law

Crash Course: Congressional Committees

Crash Course: Congressional Leadership

Crash Course: Congressional Elections

Crash Course: Congressional Decisions


The Daily Show: Impact of money on Congress     Part 2

The Daily Show: the failures of Congress

How Lobbying Works

The Daily Show: Iron Triangle: Simplot and the Two Headed Fish

The Daily Show: Interest Groups and Congress (JP Morgan - Jamie Dimon)     Part 2

The Daily Show: How Bills Actually Become Law (Monsanto Protection Act)   Part 2

Stephen Colbert Interviews Members of the House of Representatives


C-SPAN: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch

Americans losing confidence in all three branches of government

How Congress Stopped Working

Schoolhouse Rock: How a Bill Becomes a Law

60 minutes with Jack Abramoff on congressional lobbying

Article about the revolving door between Congress and lobbyists

Bill Moyers: How Money Rules Washington

Corporations now spend more lobbying Congress than taxpayers spend funding Congress

Article about how money can buy influence in Washington

How Much to Buy a Congressional Vote? New Research Seeks Answer

Here's How Much the Democratic Party Charges to be on Each House Committee

Re-Elected. These Five Powerful Members of Congress Have Figured It All Out

Article on Political Polarization

SYSK Podcast: How Filibusters Work

Graphic showing how corrupt Americans think various institutions are

How Much Does a House Seat Cost?

Article about women in the Senate

The United States House of Representatives

Write your representative in the House

The United States Senate

Congress.org - Good news and information site

Explanation of Gerrymandering

How a New City Council Map of L.A. Turned Into a Political Brawl (Gerrymandering)

Congressional Research Service: Membership of the 117th Congress: A Profile

The oldest government in history

Kahoot - Ch 11 Review Game