Past Warm-Ups






Monday May 2, 2016

FREE WRITE. Explain your answer in three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.

Tuesday May 3, 2016

Beyoncé was at the MET Gala yesterday. Type what you think she was thinking about when this picture was taken. Explain your answer in three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.

Wednesday May 4, 2016

What would you do if the United States went to war and you were told to fight for your country? Explain your answer in three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.

Thursday May 5, 2016

If the school was to pay you money to do well in school, how much should they pay you? How much should failing students get? Explain your answer in three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.

Friday May 6, 2016

Many students are going on a field trip to UCLA today. If this class where to have a field trip, where should we go and why? Explain your answer in three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.























