05-27-2016 8

Friday May 27, 2016

HR 7:50 am – 8:13 am (23)

Period 1 8:18 am – 9:13 am (55)

Period 2 9:18 am – 10:13 am (55)

Period 3 10:18 am - 11:13am (55)

Period 4 11:18 am - 12:13 pm (55)

Lunch 12:13 pm -12:43 pm (30)

Period 5 12:48 pm -1:43 pm (55)

Period 6 1:48 pm - 2:43 pm (55)

What We Are Doing In Class (Classwork Agenda)

Last day to turn in work to Mr. Papp & ENGRADE

Tuesday May 31


Copy & Paste the following question into the Warm-Up entry:

Should students that are failing all of their classes be allowed to attend the last two weeks of school? Explain your answer in at least three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.

Did you miss a warm-up and want to make it up? Then click here.

Due Friday May 27, 2016

2.) Finish & Turn In Assignment - EC09

Download the Assignment (EC09) and save it

Due Before May 27, 2016

3.) You are running out of time!!!!!!

Finish these assignments:

Any M's or missing assignments shown in Engrade


IA8 Doc 1

IA8 Doc 2

IA8 Doc 3

IA8 Doc 4


Last day to turn in work to Mr. Papp & ENGRADE

Tuesday May 31