03-30-2016 7

Wednesday March 30, 2016

HR 7:50 am – 8:13 am (23)

Period 1 8:18 am – 9:13 am (55)

Period 2 9:18 am – 10:13 am (55)

Period 3 10:18 am - 11:13am (55)

Period 4 11:18 am - 12:13 pm (55)

Lunch 12:13 pm -12:43 pm (30)

Period 5 12:48 pm -1:43 pm (55)

Period 6 1:48 pm - 2:43 pm (55)

What We Are Doing In Class (Classwork Agenda)


Copy & Paste the following question into the Warm-Up entry:

If you had to show Los Angeles to a guest who has never been here before. What sights or places would you show them and why? Explain your answer in three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.

Did you miss a warm-up and want to make it up? Then click here.

Due Friday April 1, 2016

2.) HW18 - Homework on Chapter 4 of History Alive!

Mr. Papp passed out your homework to each of you individually YESTERDAY. If you were absent or lost it already, then ask for a copy of the homework assignment.

3.) Finish & Turn In CW34 - Reading Notes

Download the Assignment (CW34) and save it

Download the Textbook (CW34 Pages) and save it

Due TODAY Wednesday March 30, 2016

4.) Exit Check - Log Off - Dismissal

What You Are Doing At Home (Homework)

HM17 - Ch.4 Preview & Vocabulary Matrix Handout

Use your History Alive! Textbook at home to complete the handout.

Due Friday April 1, 2016