02-10-2016 7

Wednesday February 10, 2016

HR 7:50 am – 8:13 am (23)

Period 1 8:18 am – 8:50 am (32)

Period 2 8:55 am – 9:27 am (32)

Period 3 9:32 am - 10:04 am (32)

Period 4 10:09 am - 10:41 am (32)

Nutrition 10:41 am - 11:01 am (20)

Period 5 11:06 am - 11:38 am (32)

Period 6 11:43 am - 12:15 pm (32)

What We Are Doing In Class (Classwork Agenda)


Copy & Paste the following question into the Warm-Up entry:

Which do you feel was easier: elementary school or middle school? Explain your answer in three (3) full, no short answer, complete sentences.

Did you miss a warm-up and want to make it up? Then click here.

Due Friday February 12, 2016

2.) Homework sheet is due Friday or sooner

3.) PS01 - Photoshop Assignment

Continue today

If you have not already downloaded the needed files then scroll down.


Download the parts to the assignment (Pic 1), (Pic 2), & (Pic 3) and the instructions (PS01 Instructions).