Romeo and Juliet

R + J: Prologue:

Green Lit Book (Prentice Hall)

1. (673) Where is the setting of the play?

2. (673) What three things make up the subject matter of the play?

Act One Scene 1:

(674 – 675)

3.  Who does the play begin with?

4.  How does Sampson refer to members of the Montague?

5.  What does Gregory say it means to be brave?

6.  What does Sampson say he will do to the Montague Women?

7.  What is Samson well known as?

8.  What are the names of the Montagues who showed up?

9.  Why does Sampson want the Montagues to make the first move?

10.  How does Sampson anger the Montague men?

11. Why does Sampson say he did not bite his thumb?

12.  Why does Sampson say his master is better?

13.  Who runs into the argument? Whose friend is this?

Act 1 Scene 1 (Part 2) (675 – 680)

14.  Who shows up and challenges Benvolio? Whose cousin is this?

15.  What word does Tybalt hate?

16.  What does Lord Capulet ask for?

17.  What prince shows up and breaks up the fight?

18.  How many times have the two families disrupted the peace?

19.  What happens if either family disturbs the peace again?

20.  Who does Lady Montague ask about?

21.  How does Montague describe Romeo’s behavior? Does he know why?

22.  Why does Romeo say he is sad?

Act 1 Scene 1 (Part 3)


23.  Who is Rosaline?

24.  What does Benvolio say he is weeping at? How does Romeo reply?

25.  What has Rosaline sworn never to do?

26.  What advice does Benvolio give Romeo?

Act 1 Scene 2: (681-683)

27.  What does Paris request from Capulet?

28.  How old does Capulet say Juliet is?

Act 1 Scene 2: (681 – 683)

29. What does Capulet say he is having that night?

30. What does Capulet have the clown do?

31. Why cant the clown read the list?

32. Who does Romeo see is on the list?

33. What does Benvolio tell Romeo to do at the party?

Act1 Scene 3: (684-687)

34. What three characters are in the opening of scene 3?

35. How did the nurse no longer know that Juliet was a baby 11 years ago?

36. What does the nurse want to see happen to Juliet?

37. How does Juliet feel about getting married?

38. How does Lady Capulet tell Juliet to scan Paris’s face?

39. If Paris is to be compared to a book, what does Lady Capulet say must be the book's "cover"?

Act 1 Scene 4: (687 – 690)

40. What does Mercutio tell Romeo he must be doing?

41. Why does Romeo say he can not move?

42. What does Mercutio put on?

43. Who does Mercutio say brought Romeo his dream?

44. Who are some of the people that Queen Mab brings dreams to?

45. What does Romeo say about the dream he had?

Scene 5: (691-695)

46. Where does scene 5 open?

47. After Capulet greets Romeo and his friends, what does he say about any lady at the party who is shy?

48. What two things does Romeo compare Juliet to?

49. How can Tybalt tell Romeo is a Montague?

50. What does Capulet tell Tybalt about Romeo? How does Tybalt respond?

51. How many times does Romeo kiss Juliet?

52. What does the nurse tell Juliet that causes her to leave?

53. Who does Juliet have the nurse ask their name? What does Juliet say she will do if he is married?

54. Why does Juliet say her first love is disastrous?

Act 2 Prologue: (698)

55. What does the announcer say about Rosaline?

56. Why can’t Romeo see Juliet to swear the usual lover’s vows?

Act 2 Scene 1: (698-699)

57.  What does Romeo walk by at the beginning of Scene 1?

58.  What does Romeo climb over?

59.  Who Is calling Romeo’s name and looking for him after the party?

60.  Why does Benvolio say it is pointless to look for Romeo?

Act 2 Scene 2: (699-701)

61. Where does Scene 2 open?

62. What does Romeo say that Mercutio has never felt?

63. What does Romeo compare Juliet’s eyes to?

64. What does Juliet say about Romeo’s last name?

65. What does Juliet say will happen to Romeo if her relatives find him?

66.  What does Romeo say he would rather have happen than live without Juliet’s love?

Act 2 Scene 2 (Part2): (701 – 705)

67.  Why does Juliet say that Jove (god of oaths) laughs at lover’s promises?

68.  Who is the god that Juliet says she worships?

69.  What does Juliet want to exchange with Romeo?

70.  Since it is night, what is Romeo afraid of?

71.  What is Juliet going to send a message to Romeo to find out?

72.  What time will Juliet send for Romeo?

73.  How far away does Juliet say she wants Romeo to go away?

74.  Who does Romeo say he is going to talk to?

Act 2 Scene 3: (705-707)

75. Who is talking at the beginning of Scene 3?

76. What is Friar Lawrence collecting?

77. What does Friar Lawrence say happens when evil wins?

78. What does Friar Lawrence say about Romeo’s night last night?

79. Who does Friar Lawrence think that Romeo was with?

80. What does Romeo ask Friar Lawrence to do?

81. What does Romeo say is the difference between Rosaline and Juliet?

82. Why does Friar Lawrence decide to marry Romeo and Juliet?

R + J:

Act 2 Scene 4: (708 – 712)

83. What two people are walking together at the beginning of Scene 4?

84. Who does Mercutio think that Romeo is heart -broken over?

85. What type of letter does Tybalt sent to Montague’s house?

86. What does Mercutio say about Tybalt’s fighting ability?

87. Why does Romeo say he ditched his friends the night before?

88. How does Mercutio describe the way that Romeo is acting?

89. Who is the nurse’s servant?

90. Why does Mercutio say that the nurse needs a fan?

91. Who does the nurse say she is looking for?

92. What does Mercutio call the nurse?

93. Who leaves the conversation between Romeo and the nurse?

Act 2 Scene 4 (Part 2)

(712 – 714)

94.  Why is the nurse mad at Peter?

95. Where does Romeo tell the nurse to have Juliet meet him at?

96. What does Romeo tell the nurse that his man will bring her?

97. What does the nurse say happens when she mentions Paris to Juliet?

Act 2 Scene 5

(714 – 716)

98. Where does scene 5 begin? How long has the nurse been away?

99. Why does Juliet get upset with the nurse when she first gets back?

100. How does the nurse feel after her trip?

101. Where does the nurse tell Juliet to go? What will happen?

102. What does the nurse have to go get?

103. What do you think will happen between Romeo and Juliet tonight?

Act 2 Scene 6


104.  Where does Scene 6 open? Who all is there?

105.  What does Friar Lawrence say about violent passion?

106.  What does Friar Lawrence say must be done before they are left alone?

Act 3 Scene 1 (721-726)

107.  Who does Act 3, Scene 1 open with?

108.  Why does Benvolio suggest they go home?

109.  What does Mercutio say about how Benvolio acts?

110.  What does Mercutio say when asked if he is part of Romeo’s group?

111.  What does Benvolio suggest?

112.  Who does Tybalt say he was after?

113.  What does Romeo say after being challenged by Tybalt?

114.  What does Mercutio say he wants to take from Tybalt?

115.  Who does Tybalt wound with his sword?

116.  Why does Mercutio blame Romeo for dying?

117.  Who does Romeo kill?

118.  Who shows up and asks Benvolio what happened?

119.  After Tybalt dies, what does Lady Capulet say must happen?

120.  What does the prince say will happen to Romeo?

Act 3 Scene 2 (727-730)

121.  What does Juliet say that the night should do with Romeo when he dies?

122.  What death is the nurse talking about? Who does Juliet think that she is talking about?

123.  What does Juliet think of Romeo after finding out he killed Tybalt?

124.  Why does Juliet change her mind about Romeo? Why does she say it is okay for him kill Tybalt?

125.  What does Juliet say she will be when she dies?

126.  Who does the nurse say she will bring to Juliet?

127.  What does Juliet give the nurse to take with her?

Act 3 Scene 3 (730-735)

128.  Where does scene 3 open?

129.  What does Romeo say is worse than death?

130.  What does Friar Lawrence say about Romeo’s punishment?

131.  Where does Romeo say heaven is?

132.  Why does Romeo say that flies are more valuable than he is?

133.  Why does Friar Lawrence tell Romeo to hide himself?

134.  When the nurse first sees Romeo, what does the nurse tell him?

135.  What does Romeo try to do with his dagger? Who stops him?

136.  What does Friar Lawrence say Romeo is acting like?

137.  What three things does the Friar say Romeo should be thankful?

138.  Where must Romeo leave to after visiting Juliet?

139.  How does Friar Lawrence say he will communicate with Romeo?

Act 3 Scene 4 (735-736)

140.  Where does scene 4 open?

141.  Why does Paris leave the Capulet house without talking to Juliet?

142.  When does Lord Capulet say Juliet will be married to Paris?

Act 3 Scene 5 (736 – 744)

143.  Where does Scene 5 open? Who is there? What do you think happened?

145.  Who comes in and tells Romeo he better leave?

146.  What vision does Juliet say she has of Romeo?

147.  Who does Lady Capulet think Juliet is crying for? Who is she really crying for?

148.  What does Lady Capulet say she will do to Romeo?

149.  What does Juliet say when she is told she will marry Paris?

150.  How does Capulet react to Juliet when she says she won’t marry Paris?

151.  What does Capulet call the nurse after she defends Juliet?

152.  What does Capulet say will happen to Juliet if she doesn’t marry Paris?

153.  Why does Juliet get angry at the nurse?

154.  What does Juliet say she will do if Friar Lawrence can not help her?

R + J:

Act 4 Scene 1 (747-750)

155.  Where does Act 4 Scene 1 take place?

156.  Why does Paris tell Friar Lawrence that Capulet moved the wedding up?

157.  When Paris tells Juliet he loves her, hoe does she respond?

158.  What does Juliet threaten to do to herself in front of Friar Lawrence?

159.  What does Friar Lawrence give Juliet? What will this do to her? How long will it last?

160.  Where will Romeo take Juliet when she wakes? How will Romeo find out about the plan?

Act 4 Scene 2 (750-751)

161.  Where does scene 2 open?

162.  What does Juliet ask her father for when she returns from Friar Lawrence?

163.  Who does Capulet think is responsible for making Juliet change her mind?

Act 4 Scene 3 – (751-753)

164.  Where does Scene 3 open?

165.  What does Juliet tell the nurse and Lady Capulet?

166.  What is Juliet worried that Friar Lawrence may have done?

Act 4 Scene 4 – (753 – 754)

167.  Where does Scene 4 open?

168.  Who does Capulet tell to wake Juliet?

Act 4 Scene 5 – (754-758)

169.  Who does Capulet say is his son-in-law?

170.  Where does Friar Lawrence say that Juliet is now?

171.  What does Capulet say must be done to everything ordered for the festival?

172.  Why does Peter threaten the musicians?

173.  What does the first musician call Peter after he leaves?

Act 5 Scene 1 (761 – 763)

174.  Where does Act 5, Scene 1 take place?

175.  What does Balthazar tell Romeo?

176.  After Balthazar leaves, who does Romeo say he will sleep with that night?

177.  Where does Romeo get poison from?

178.  What does Romeo say is worse than money?

Act 5 Scene 2 – (763-764)

179.  Where does Scene 2 begin?

180.  Why couldn’t Friar John deliver Friar Lawrence’s message?

Act 5 Scene 3 – (764 – 768)

181.  Where must Friar Lawrence go? What must he do?

Act 5 Scene 3 (Part 2)

(769 – 771)

181. Where does Scene 3 open? Who is there?

182. What does Paris say he will do to Juliet’s grave every night?

183. What does Romeo tell Balthazar to do? What must Romeo get from Juliet?

184. What does Paris think Romeo is going to do to the grave?

185. How does Paris die?

186. Where does Romeo put the body of Paris?

187. How does Romeo die?

188. What does Balthazar tell Friar Lawrence he dreamt about?

189. How does Juliet die?

190. What does the friar say when he is found by the prince and his men?

(771 – 775)

191. Who does Montague say died?

192. Who are the two main suspects?

193. What does Capulet say he will build?

194. What does Montague say he will build?


After Reading:

Compare and Contrast

195. Romeo’s relationship with Mercutio is paralleled by Juliet’s to…

196. Just as Tybalt is aggressive… is a peacemaker.

197. On the one hand, we have the Capulets. On the other…

198. Juliet has a cousin…Romeo has a cousin…

199. The Prince tries to solve the family feud by law; the Friar tries to solve it by…

200. What is your favorite or least favorite thing about Romeo and Juliet?