Quarter 4 Week 3 Bellwork / Homework

Day One

Bellwork 1

Copy: Radiate - verb - to give off rays of heat or light

Copy: The heat that radiated from the campfire almost melted the soles of my sneakers.

Answer: Name some objects that radiate light. Name some that radiate heat.

Bellwork 2

Copy: Prosperous - adjective - having economic well-being / synonym: wealthy

Copy: The prosperous business donated thousands of dollars to the community.

Answer: Which word means about the same thing as prosperous?

A. Broke

B. Successful


How would you live if you were prosperous? What would you spend your money on? Why? Explain.

Day Two

Bellwork 1

Copy: Endurance - noun - the power to withstand stress or hardship

Copy: The marathon runner has the endurance to run for thirty miles.

Answer: Describe someone you know who has amazing endurance.

Bellwork 2

Copy: Inundate - verb - 1. to flood or overthrow 2. overrun or overwhelm

Copy: The heavy rains caused the river to rise and inundate the lowlands. The nearby fields were inundated with ants fleeing from the rising water.

Answer: Which of the following could inundate an area?

A. A tidal wave

B. A grain of sand


If your home was going to be inundated, what would you grab before leaving?

Day Three

Bellwork 1

Copy: Vital - adjective - necessary for supporting life / antonym: unimportant

Copy: Clean air is vital to human survival.

Answer: Which of the following are vital to survival?

A. Food

B. Computers

Bellwork 2

Copy: Phenomenon - noun - 1. a fact or an event that can be observed or experienced - 2. an extraordinary person or thing

Copy: Lightning is a natural phenomenon that has always awed people. The Beatles were a phenomenon that thrilled youth in the '60s.

Answer: Give an example of someone or something that you think is a phenomenon.


What are three things that are vital in your life? Why are they vital? Describe each thing in a response that is 3 paragraphs or more.

Day Four

Bellwork 1

Copy: Jostled - verb - bumped or pushed around roughly

Copy: The passengers were jostled about when the train came to a sudden stop.

Answer: At which of these places might you get jostled?

A. At a crowded arena

B. At a bookstore

Bellwork 2

Copy: Hearty - adjective - full of warmth and friendliness

Copy: My grandfather gave us a hearty welcome when we arrived.

Answer: Which word means about the same thing as hearty?

A. Enthusiastic

B. Tearful


Who would you greet with a hearty welcome? Who welcomes you with a hearty greeting?

Day Five

Bellwork 1

Copy: Emotion - noun - any strong feeling

Copy: The new father was overcome with emotion as he gazed at his infant daughter.

Answer: What is difficult emotion for you to control? What is your favorite emotion? Explain your answers.

Bellwork 2

Copy: Procrastinate - verb - to put off doing something until a future time

Copy: I can not procrastinate any longer because the report is due tomorrow.


Do you think it is a good idea to procrastinate? Why or why not?