Quarter 4 Week 8 Bellwork / Homework

Day One

Bellwork 1

Copy: Tumultous - adjective - full of upheaval; wild and chaotic

Copy: There was a tumultuous seas battle between the naval ships.

Answer: Give an example of tumultuous period in history? Why was it tumultuous? Explain.

Bellwork 2

Copy: Query - 1. noun - a question 2. verb - to express doubt about something

Copy: The teacher wrote a query in the margin of my paper. She queried me about the dates I had included.

Answer: Give an example of a query you need answered.


Write about a tumultuous period in your life? What caused it to be tumultuous? Was it resolved? If so, how?

Day Two

Bellwork 1

Copy: Diagnosis - noun - a medical opinion given after studying the symptoms

Copy: According to the doctor's diagnosis, my injured ankle would heal in two months.

Answer: What types of symptoms and procedures would lead to the diagnosis of a broken ankle?

Bellwork 2

Copy: Jaunty - adjective - stylish

Copy: The jaunty new sports car costs way too much money.

Answer: Give an example of something jaunty that you would like to own. Why would you like to own it? What would you do with it?


What is a disease that you would not want to be diagnosed with? Why would it be a bad thing to be diagnosed with this disease?

Day Three

Bellwork 1

Copy: Wriggle - verb - to squirm

Copy: My little brother wriggled out of his sleeping bag in the morning.

Answer: Which word means about the same thing as wriggle?

A. Twitch

B. Stay in place

Bellwork 2

Copy: Corruption - noun - a departure from what is pure or correct

Copy: The judge was accused of corruption after he accepted a bribe.

Answer: Who is involved with fighting corruption?


What is something that makes you wriggle and squirm? Why? Explain

Day Four

Bellwork 1

Copy: Uncouth - adjective - awkward in appearance or behavior

Copy: The uncouth child refused to use his silverware while eating spaghetti.

Answer: In what type of setting would it be inappropriate to behave in an uncouth manner?

Bellwork 2

Copy: Aspire - verb - to want or try hard to achieve a goal

Copy: When I grow up, I aspire to become a doctor.

Answer: Which of these might people aspire to become?

A. An infant

B. A college graduate


What is something that you aspire to do? Why? Explain.

Day Five

Bellwork 1

Copy: Timber - noun - wood used in building things / synonym: lumber

Copy: The timber used to build our house came from Ohio.

Answer: Give some examples of things that are made from timber.

Bellwork 2

Copy: Mundane - adjective - practical or ordinary

Copy: After my ski vacation, a weekend at home seemed very mundane.

Answer: Which word means about the same thing as mundane?

A. Exceptional

B. Usual


What is a mundane weekend like for you? Describe it.Â