Quarter 4 Week 1 Bellwork / Homework

Day One

Bellwork 1

Copy: Undaunted - adjective - not discouraged; not hesitating because of fear

Copy: The hiker remained undaunted even though he had been lost for tow days before being rescued.

Answer: Which words mean about the same thing as undaunted?

A. Unafraid

B. Scared

Bellwork 2

Copy: Aptitude - noun - a natural ability or talent

Copy: Lucita showed a strong aptitude for painting

Answer: Have you discovered something for which you have an aptitude? Write about it in three paragraphs or more.


Give an example of someone who was undaunted. Have you ever been undaunted? Describe the situation.

Day Two

Bellwork 1

Copy: Balmy - adjective - soothing and mild

Copy: The balmy spring weather felt refreshing after the long winter.

Answer: Which word means about the same thing as balmy?

A. Fair

B. Harsh

Bellwork 2

Copy: Bask - verb - to bathe in warm sunlight

Copy: As cold-blooded animals, snakes can raise their body temperature by basking in the sun.

Answer: What other animals bask in the sun? Do you like to bask in the sun?


What other animals bask in the sun? Do you like to bask in the sun?

Day Three

Bellwork 1

Copy: Denominator - noun - the number below the line in a fraction

Copy: In a fraction, the denominator indicates the number of parts a whole number is divided into.

Answer: Which of these fractions is equivalent to one that has a denominator of 8 and a numerator of 4?

A. 1/2

B. 3/4

Bellwork 2

Copy: Vertical - adjective - straight up and down

Copy: The first hill on the roller coaster was almost vertical.

Answer: Name some things in your classroom that are vertical and describe them.


If you were dividing a pizza into 10 pieces, what number would be in the denominator of the fraction that represents on slice of pizza?

Day Four

Bellwork 1

Copy: Ovation - noun - a loud and enthusiastic show of approval

Copy: The choir received a standing ovation when they finished performing.

Answer: In which of these places might you give an ovation?

A. Waiting in line for the restroom

B. A football game

Bellwork 2

Copy: Emancipate - verb - to set free from slavery or control

Copy: President Lincoln helped to emancipate the slaves in the South.

Answer: In what other times or places have people struggled to emancipate themselves?


When and where was the last time you gave an ovation?

Day Five

Bellwork 1

Copy: Susceptible - adjective - easily influenced or affected

Copy: The medical assistant took vitamins so she wouldn't be susceptible to catching colds.

Answer: Which word means about the same thing as susceptible?

A. Unprotected

B. Sensitive

Bellwork 2

Copy: Tarnish - verb - to dull the shine of a metal surface

Copy: Silver will tarnish if it's not polished or stored in a closed container.

Answer: Is there anything in your classroom that can tarnish? What about in your home?


Are you susceptible to poison oak or poison ivy? What is something else you are susceptible to?